Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-5-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-5-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-5-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Iraq ‘s economy depends on a new mechanism to distribute the salaries of 4.5 million employees” Quote: “The Council of Ministers also granted the employee the freedom to choose a bank approved by the Central Bank in the process of settling salaries to open a bank account in preparation for receipt of his salary through the account electronically under a bank card.” If the above article is not confirmation of what we have learned to date…I don’t know what is! This should have everyone speechless…The pieces of the puzzle are unfolding under cover of a Holiday, imo.. Tell me things are not solid as a “Glory Day Dinar”! They make deposits and will need access to Dinars when they need them even when branches are closed. imo…

9-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Iraq adopts a new mechanism for the distribution of the salaries of 4.5 million employees” Quote: “The Council of Ministers also granted the employee the freedom to choose a bank approved by the Central Bank in the process of settling salaries to open a bank account in preparation for receipt of his salary through the account electronically under a bank card.” This is a big step. We have heard about them doing this for some time now.

9-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The weekend reports are as follows…and everything still holds. Leaflets were distributed informing the liberation of Hawija. The Finance Minister was on Iraq TV saying the currency will rise in value during the month of September, citizens will see greater purchasing power and Iraqs’ true economic value to the world will be revealed soon. Citizens are reporting that bank security is reported as extremely unusual being guarded with tanks… they are being encouraged to keep quiet. September 10 – September 15 are dates of considerable interest but details are being kept very quiet. Tensions are at an “all time high” but the reason for those tensions is still unknown. Looking for good things to happen this week. I believe our day is coming.

9-4-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO, the RI…at an RI rate 1-to-1…the RI is cheap money…this is cheap money that will be pouring into Iraq. This is cheap money, along with the billions that are being poured in right now too. Then, the revaluation kicks in…maybe 3-4 months down the road, and then they’ll cap it. They are basically shutting down the exchange window in the Auction, are they not? But it’s reopening in the sense that these international nations that Abadi has been inviting to come into Iraq, they will get a version of the Auction windows because, when they RI, this long line of nations will get the Dinar at a low cost. Like they used to through the CBI Auctions. Oh, by the way, you…are in the same boat as these international nations that have been cooperating with Iraq, and President Donald Trump and his Middle East deals. A paradigm shift has occurred… It is from the Monetary Reform, to an internal reinstatement, to an external reinstatement, to a revaluation, to a cap…Iraq is no longer kicking the ball, they are reinstating their currency.

9-4-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …They were actually trying to put US dollars out there in Iraq’s market. In other words you can actually buy US dollars from the Central Bank using the Iraqi currency. So there was a couple things they were doing. A. They wanted to keep the value of the dinar down. #2 (B) They were using that as a way to suck in more dinar cause they were lowing the dinar count in the country. It sounds kind of counter because what do you have to do? You have to do two things..

9-4-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …You have to do two things. You have to take the actual currency count…lower that and then the value of your treasure is actually converted into the dinar that’s left over. Let’s say you have 10 million dollars and you have a million dinar that represents that 10 billion dollars. Then you reduce that million dinar to 500 thousand dinar. But you still have that 10 million dollars that converts evenly into the dinar that’s left over. That’s what’s going on. What competes against the dinar? It’s the US dollar. So you have to have these two things going at the same time…They actually pumped more dollars into the market to keep the value of the dinar down and they also printed more currency…a double whammy. That’s what they are up to that’s what they’re looking at. So there’s still big moves into setting up what you and I are waiting for…that is their only strategy out.