Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-4-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-4-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-4-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man I wrapped up this week talking about all the progress that has been made. What has been done since January. Big things like joining the World Trade organization as an observer status…which has been ongoing since 2004…in February to August we see they are gearing up for full ascension to the WTO and this is a big deal. They will be out in the world economy again and in the global financial system. My understanding is they have the security and stability in the country…enough that we can see all the countries making deals and doing things with Iraq. …Iraq is going to make a lot of money…once they have an article 8 exchange rate …that is required…For full ascension…all of us will have a different venue in a short period of time.

9-4-2023 Guest Guru jmsca08 [Response to Guru Frank26 and Guru Breitling below] Want to make it clear: UAE is $1 = .27 cents USD not $3 + The Saudi is $1 = .26 cents USD not $3 + Now if you said Jordan yes JD1 = $1.41 USD. Oman Rial 1 = $2.59 USD. Baharian Dinar 1 = $2.65 USD. Kuwait Dinar 1 = $3.24 USD. This are Arabs country that are higher than the dollar.

9-4-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The WTO is big and it’s been percolating in the back since January. My sources told me years ago that when we saw them join the WTO- then it was done. They would have to be fully international for that.

9-3-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “What do you think the rate should be?” You have to understand this is a Middle Eastern currency. Do you think it should have the value it has now? Of course not…Saudi Arabia what’s your exchange rate to the dollar? $3 plus. UAE what’s your exchange rate to the dollar? $3 plus. Saudi Arabia…what’s your exchange rate to the American dollar? $3 plus. Do you get my point?

9-3-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 …If they lift 3-zeros that’s still not enough because that would be at a 1 to 1. They need this thing to float…IMO I think the Iraqi dinar will at least come out at 1 to 1 because that’s what they say. Then I believe deep IMO they are going to float this currency. That’s when it’s going to get tough on you. You’re going to be so tempted to go to the bank and exchange everything you’ve got at 1 to 1. Wouldn’t you like to exchange at 2 to 1? 3 to 1?…I believe 1 to 1 is their goal but the hard part is for you to decide if you want to exchange at a higher exchange rate…

9-3-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The CBI needs to free itself and move to IMF Article VIII but in order for that to occur they need to meet IMF compliance before they can accept Article VIII. Part of that compliance is maintaining the exchange rate within 2%…Iraq has had trouble doing this. Until they figure out how to make a stable exchange rate within country I don’t see them accepting obligations of Article VIII…

9-3-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling As far as Iraq revaluing their currency there is no more problems…If they’re going to be regional you’ve got to look at Iran, Saudi Arabia, all these local currencies…and you can average out the value of the currencies of the Middle East…They need to maintain that balance. Either way it’s going to be a major revaluation.

9-3-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …with the extended holiday this week between now and Thursday the indicators seem to be really coming together. We see that 1132 rate all the time behind the scenes…but the CBI has a different rate that is published.

9-3-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Somebody reached out to me and said, ‘Pimpy what do you think of this [Ebay] deal?’ For $37 you get 5,000 dinar…5,000 dinar is equal to what? $3.80. Don’t get caught up or trapped in that kind of thing. Make sure when you’re buying dinars you’re not spending a ridiculous amount of money higher than the actual value…

9-3-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Iraq is ready to go international. What we’re hoping and praying for is they show us an Article VIII compliant exchange rate and show us their new currency they’re going to be using in the near future. I think those new small category notes that were printed back in 2018 need to get exposed to the world…

9-3-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 I have a dear friend who used to be military…but still works indirectly. Therefore consider my friend to have contractual agreements. These contractual agreements are with Iraq and Vietnam. My friend calls me and say, ‘Frank, I’m ready to expand…but my financial people are telling me wait…There is a major financial change that is about to occur and we think it would be wise for you to just wait. You see Iraq has a lot of dong in their reserves and Vietnam Central Bank has a lot of Iraqi dinar in their reserves.’ Something is happening.

9-3-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “SPECIALISTS CALL FOR A REVIEW OF THE IRAQI FINANCIAL SYSTEM” Quote: “…the financial and administrative system in Iraq needs to be restructured…” …of course Iraq does not need all these structural changes to reinstate their currency as the value is already in the dinar with the oil market. Building the economy will only enhance the dinar and bring the rate up even more…