Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-30-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-30-19
9-30-2019 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …we know the CBI has set it up so they are not selling dinar outside the country at this point and time. All of these dealers…are buying dinar internally inside the United States and then reselling it. That’s all they have. That’s the market. They are limited now. They can’t get it anymore. We also know the note count is being reduced. The accessibility to it is just not there. I realize we have not had a physical change in the value…but just take a look at the fact that the accessibility to it has become very limited. Very limited. That means somewhere down the line this thing is going to have value…
9-30-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The Arab Monetaty Fund is now including Iraq’s stock exchange among the 17 financial markets registered within the AMF. Good news and a clear step in the right direction.
9-29-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq itself is not in charge of the timing of the rate change. External powers are…this is not the first time that they’ve marched and protested from being unhappy because the government is not fulfilling their promise and obligations to the citizens…over the next few weeks you’re gonna see that all this marching and protesting is going to amount to nothing…
9-29-2019 Newshound Guru larrykn I was just reading the imf article iv. that kaps [Guru Kaperoni] is always talking about, I see a lot of things in there that need to get done and what they want to do…one is they want to reduce to zero the money owed to the IOC’s (international oil companies) they also want to get rid of the MCP, So here is my ?. If they get rid of the MCP how can they maintain the buying and selling rates when its at 1160…they do the auctions now, using the USD, when that goes away, then what?. also the big issue I see them having was Isis. That seemed to have put a big wrench into the economy. Seems they are working on that now…but so far I have not seen where they are talking about floating a currency gradually. I see them doing other things gradually but so far and I’m still reading I don’t see that about currency.
9-29-2019 BobTheTaxMan [Question: Do you think we will need receipts to claim what we have to cash in?] Absolutely not…now, if you were playing the capital gains game, yeah that would matter. But it’s not. But we know and I’ve said it over and over, this is going to be treated as ordinary income… [NOTE: Speak with your tax professional at the appropriate time]
9-29-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There’s only two options on the table. Parliament has talked about doing a LOP which is a neutral event and you make no money. But if it goes up after the lop you might double your investment. Or the CBI could follow the directive from the IMF, and Float the currency. Which would allow for a gradual appreciation over several months or even years. In doing so allowing them to reduce the currency in circulation at the same time. But I assure you they’ll never be a significant RV. It’s just not possible. If you’re serious about learning about your investment I would start with reading the IMF Article IV Consultations…
9-29-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready …I expect the protest will come, and Allaq will announce the RV, and everyone will celebrate.
9-29-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 All the articles you are reading today look good…but it’s OLD NEWS…it’s been done , overdone, it’s done. All I am waiting for is for them to announce the lifting of the value of their currency. Whether they announce it or whether they just do it automatically on the CBI website…That’s all I am waiting for, and that’s all my teams are waiting for…nothing else. The evidence out there is too strong to ignore.
9-29-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling …the best numbers I can come up with and I’ve said this before, you’re talking .51, .52, .53 cents. That makes sense because when you look at the gas [oil?] prices and you look at their budget that they have to maintain and then you look at what markets that they’re in to cover all that you need at least .52, .53 cents. Think of it as almost as the same budget as Brazil. Because Brazil’s currency is about 1/2 of the United States. I don’t know what it is right now but it used to be back in the day [1 Brazilian Real = .24 USD] You can compare the budgets and see what they’re doing…