Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-24-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-24-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-24-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …IMO In this phase, since the education phase 2 is over, this phase is now to send to these banks the new small category notes. To teach them about these new small category notes. Ain’t no body seen them…I think this is in process right now or it’s been complete or it’s about to start and I believe once that’s done (it’s only a one day class) that information is going to trickle down from the CBI to the bank echelon, to bank management, to tellers, and to the citizens…

9-24-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [Do we need to have an announcement of the Gold standard before we see the reset?] I would expect an RV/reset first then an announcement on the Gold Standard/asset backed currency a couple of days later…imo.

9-24-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …I’m no longer looking at September. I’m looking ahead past September…yesterday an article came out saying that they’re gonna replace current smaller categories in circulation. The 250s, the 500s, the 1000 denoms…has nothing to do with the rate change…the ones currently in circulation are getting worn out…If Iraq had intentions or planned to change the rate during the year 2019 do you still think they would be replacing the notes…? From my own opinion that could suggest to me that they might not have intentions of changing the rate during the year of 2019. That might suggest they have intentions of doing it during the year 2020…I’m gonna bring you everything…this isn’t good or bad. This is the reality with this investment…we have to set our emotions aside in this…if we can’t set our emotions aside we probably shouldn’t be in this.

9-24-2019 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf …There is a lot of confusion over co-existence. Initially dual pricing will come into effect where both currencies are accepted in retail outlets. This will only happen for so long, possibly about a year. thereafter the old currency can only be exchanged at designated banks, that is where the 10 years would come in. Internationally it is a different ball game all together. A country can only have one national currency and international banks will only exchange the national currency. The day a redenomination takes place the IQD will no longer be the national currency. As I have said before as far as redenomination goes, Iraq faces an extremely complex problem with regards to the amount of currency outside the country, something that no other country that has redenominated has had to deal with.

9-23-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …I have seen a major opportunity in the value of the Iraqi Dinar for a long time. Many of you do as well. As a community we have weathered a lot of delays, but that doesn’t take away from the potential. The Dinar is going to raise in value. It’s simply a matter of “when” and “how much”.

9-23-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …What Iraq is doing is introducing a new small category note to replace the old three zero notes because those three zero notes are going to become as extinct as a brontosaurus. They’ll eventually fade away…you can not use the three zero notes with the new rate that they’re going to introduce…

9-23-2019 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …people ask me all the time what is the best way to be able to deal with this event [the dinar rv] in the very near future?…The primary thing I want everyone to understand is the taxation on this particular currency…falls under specific regulations that is separate from ordinary investment returns…this particular currency is being handled and looked at as a non-compliant exotic situation. Therefore it doesn’t get to have the tributes that are required to have to make it a long term capital gain. So anyone who is still caught up in that particular idea that this is going to be treated this way needs to understand it’s not…

9-23-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ As of yesterday there was no new value in Iraq yet. No update from Isaac is Zurich for over a week…I really hope he was paid and is under a NDA. My contacts at the redemption centers did not work last weekend. There is a rumor that new 800 numbers went to key people over the weekend but I did not get one…so have no idea. I hear US Marshalls will ring the closing bell today at the NYSE…Melania ringing the opening bell and US Marshalls ringing the closing bell could be a sign……let’s hope it is…

9-23-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Iraq is meeting with China this week, and China may be stepping in to develop some infrastructure in Iraq…Seriously – China building roads or other essential things in Iraq…it’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s a tiny piece of the complex picture that makes it possible for Iraq to increase the value of their currency…This China thing could be a MAJOR jump ahead for Iraq if it’s done right. …China isn’t new to this game. Neither is Iraq…Iraq also has a neat position in the world, and I think we all know what that is. And now I hope you can understand how they could easily use China to help them focus on their true assets, and make some major moves forward…This could all be happening in the next week or so. It’s going to happen quickly when it does…