Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “In the first decision…the new central bank governor settles a controversial matter” Wow, this is telling me that they have every intention to raise the value of the currency. The importance is straight forward and addressed. It is my understanding…we know they have been printing small notes (possibly coins) in 2018 and more recently in 2019 and 2020…They had issue with Alak’s name on of the categories. Imo The new CBI GOV has been around along time and would have known about all of this, thereby, imo they have that issue under control and we are about to see a big change and much improvement to the management of the new currency…WOW This article about the smalls is awesome. It sure shows us they have an incredible intention to use the smalls…That is a good thing…

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “An expected session of the Iraqi parliament next Saturday” Next Saturday is going to be interesting…There’s a lot of laws that need to be passed and they need to be passed pretty quickly because some of it affects what’s going on in the budget. Some of it affects what’s going on next year in the election.

9-23-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [I think Trump needs to RV now just to make sure he is reelected.] I agree with you.


9-23-2020 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …an article that came out from the CBI… quote: “a banking plan has been developed that will develop the Central Bank’s work, strengthen the national currency and address negatives in cooperation with the court…” We also know from a contact…over there that starting in January there’s going to be a lot of forward movement by the banks in compliance with the Swift system making information more readily available to international investors…there are a lot of things indicating that there’s a great forward movement going on. I think that meeting he [Kazemi] had with Trump was kind of like the kickoff for a whole new game that’s getting started there. I’m quite excited. I really am quite excited to see to see all of these things moving forward after being in this game as long as I have…It looks to me like we have such forward movement that the time for our investment coming to fruition is near at hand…

9-22-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Things are happening so fast it’s hard to keep up with them…he’s [Kazemi] arresting them by the 1,000s…the moment Kazemi landed [From August 20th meetings with Trump] he started arresting everybody left and right. If he could arrest his grandmother he would if she broke the law…they’re fleeing. Just as Maliki. He went to Iran. That was a big mistake…

9-22-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat There is nothing by [but ?] very good news and Iraq is now on a good path to appreciate their own true sovereignty from other Arab countries especially Iran. …Al-Kazemi is amazing as they are rounding up corrupt individuals. By the news we can see that Nori Al-Maliki and Ameri are next. They will not escape this and there will never be peace in Iraq unless Iraq is finally cleansed of them.

9-22-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […can you clarify for us… did Parliament get the 2020 budget and do its first read or not?…] For the record I believe they do two budgets. One with a new rate and one with the current rate. I’m not sure if they have done the first reading or not…I don’t think it’s that important to the RV. I think they may pass this budget, have an old rate, and the revalue and pass a new budget…

9-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …People are like, ‘Weren’t we told that on September 15th the rate will happen?’ I was like yeah, I know. ‘Weren’t we told that on the 18th the rate change is gonna happen?’ Yeah I know. ‘Weren’t we told on the 2020 budget we would see a rate change?’ Yeah I know. I didn’t tell you guys that. Other people did. See this is why I try to avoid the dates and the rates because it’s all speculation…what did I say? Do not get excited even if it’s good news and don’t get down if it’s bad news…I try to bring an educated perspective. We take a look at the evidence. Get an idea of when it might happen. But the truth is nobody knows…there’s nothing wrong with listening to other people’s information …that’s what I encourage you guys to do. But be very careful when they make some very over promising predictions…

9-22-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …well the world seems to be positioning for exactly what we want…I am still hearing exceptionally positive things from my Iraqi contacts…everybody is still in place…There is very positive stuff from the middle eastern contacts. I do feel good about where we are at… They have a set schedule and we are watching it play out…

9-22-2020 Intel Guru Delta …we are all waiting for the CBI. It looks like the new governor he’s really doing an excellent job. It looks like he’s in a hurry to accomplish the stuff that we are all waiting for…they had an emergency meeting on Saturday…with the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq…there is more confirmation they’re going forward. They adopted the banking reform. IOO they are going to bring us to the rate…he’s moving forward with the reforms.

9-22-2020 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …Based on my view of where we’re at and what’s happening all over the place it seems like everything is moving forward. And right now rocket speed…

9-22-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …what Donald Trump did in the Middle East is for your investment. A lot of people said, ‘Wow, that Frank is really stretching it. That’s stupid. Really? The Middle East Peace Accord? That’s for the Iraqi dinar?’ Yeah. Remember when [community member Bluestar] asked Shabbibi in Washington D.C ‘When are you going to do it? When are you going to lift the value of the currency?’ And what did Shabbibi say? When we have security and stability. Well guess what we have – security and stability because of the Peace Accords. All the middle eastern countries are going ballistic right now. All the middle eastern countries are happy with the Untied States of America. They are all onboard with the basket. They are onboard with the accords…

9-22-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The financial sector is required to support the energy sector” More evidence supporting the view that a new system is coming to Iraq and E-Finance, E – Government will be hand and glove going forward. This too, supports the movement of money is to be from [front ?] and center. Not 3 months from now. Just like Barzani said today. We have verification from Kahdimi and we are ready for investors and the public sector! That is now.. Not in 2021 imo.