Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-20-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Weekend UPDATE: Parliament stated that the budget did not arrive Saturday as promised for its first reading citing a violation of the Constitution. The agency on corruption has arrested several top level banking officials. The budget is now promised to arrive to Parliament on Sunday. For many decades not attained, historic agreements completed by PM Al-Kadhimi and his administration will now lead to agreements on the budget, salaries, oil and gas.

9-20-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf …deleting zeros from the currency is the process of replacing the old currency with a new one whose price is less than the old currency by the number of zeros that will be deleted, for example deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency means that one dinar from the new currency is equivalent to 1000 dinars from the old currency. – A Redenomination. The term “strengthen the national currency” is regularly used by central banks and usually means they have to try and stop the currency from further weakening. A redenomination means a change in the monetary unit and any such changes must be approved by parliament. Normal timeframe is around 2 years.

9-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff I have a good friend that works for a financial institution that operates and conduct business all the way around the world…he just me a list of the remaining countries that are on the OFAC-sanctioned list. And Iraq got removed from this list back on August 10th…So guess what, they’re now international!

9-19-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […there’s really no reason that the first currency swap would be at the Program rate just doesn’t make sense.] Actually it does make sense. If you know the dinar is going to revalue and Iraq needs short term help, it makes all the sense in the world to do a swap at the current rate. Iraq gets short term help and America gets more dinar. And once it revalued that’s a huge win for America .

9-19-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If Iraq is going to raise the value, they will float it allowing it to gradually appreciate over time. This was discussed by the IMF directly to the CBI several years ago.

9-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Kurdistan is not even meeting with Baghdad on the budget until Sunday…this is my complete opinion, what that strongly suggests is…they’re waiting on the true final figures after the rate change to be inside the 2020 budget. That way Kurdistan and Baghdad can meet and reach a final comprehensive agreement no the real figures within the budget – again the figures after the rate change…that’s what the facts are showing you…

9-19-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […Something that has been bothering me about the IQD exchange particularly in Ontario, Canada… I…have wondered if the fact that many banks in Ontario at least do not even deal in IQD if that could play a role when it revalue’s and a Canadian has some to exchange…] we won’t have any issues once it’s internationally recognized…No bank deals in dinar right now. That’s why we have to buy our dinar from currency dealers right now…Once it goes international, the tune of the banks will change. I can tell you that I know for a fact, one major bank in North America has been preparing for an RV behind the scenes at the highest levels, but won’t ever admit that publicly. The banks don’t want to deal with tons of people calling and asking about this pre RV… It may only be the bigger banks dealing with this. But even still I don’t expect us to have any issues in Canada…

9-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Iraq Dinar revaluation postponed by Central Bank for 5 years say MP Noura Al Bajari” This article came out in October of 2014…they had full intentions of changing the rate back in 2014 but…but they stopped doing it because Iraq had security challenges. That was the ISIS war…they also had political challenges and a lot of corruption. They didn’t have the stability that they’ve recently achieved…

9-19-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …The meeting with the CBI and the Fab 4 that Kazemi and Donald Trump had – as soon as Kazimi got back to Iraq his mission was to clean the swamp but his mission was to deal with the new exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar. This is my opinion but it sure is rather self-evident…we are at a position where they’re talking about the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar vs the American exchange rate. It’s not conjecture. It’s not a thought. It’s not a dream. It’s not Evan a fantasy. It’s not science fiction. It is a thesis, a study that has reality in it…[Guru] Walkingstick and our teams are now looking for…an article from the CBI explaining the relationship between the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar at 1 to 1…