Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-17-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-17-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Their digital environment is not only ready and tested, it’s sound and based on International standards. That’s critical. It’s ready to interact with the world to bring Iraq into the 21 Century. Banks are ready for the citizens…

9-17-2021 Intel Guru Bruce So I think everything – don’t want to say everything is ready but “appears” – as one of our bankers said – in his opinion – everything was ready – Is there still clean up? Yes – ongoing – quite a bit of it – continues to go – I am excited about where we are – I wish I could tell you the “when” and you know they don’t want me to know that or you or anybody else until it is time to go – Keep your eyes open between tomorrow and the weekend – because things are coming together…

9-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Iraq is paying its bills in its own currency. That in itself is an indicator of a change in their monetary reform. A change in their currency. A change in their exchange rate. A change in their banking structure. Iraq is paying all of its debt in Iraqi dinars…I believe they’re doing it on a second set of books…They’re selling their oil in Iraqi dinars. Do you understand the power of that? A change in their monetary reform has occurred…

9-16-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Rates are continuing to pop in and pop out on bank screens. Some of these currencies are not normally seen on bank screens …so when the Iraqi Dinar pops up- it means something.

9-16-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …Iraq is going to Buy and sell oil in dinars based on a new exchange rate…That could never happen because OPEC petrodollar is the US Dollar.

9-16-2021 Intel Guru Bruce So where we are is – we do believe things are happening this week for us – I don’t know if it’s going to be tomorrow / Thurs / Fri / maybe even Sat – BUT – we do believe we’re hearing that everything is ready – everything is set up – we don’t know what the rates are but we know the currencies all 27 – are on the bank screens and actively loaded – locked in – as of yesterday – morning –

9-16-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Not a whole lot on the RV front…I was really expecting fantastic news by this morning. Money is still being seen but is being held up. It is not being released to us at the lower levels.

9-16-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra International markets are ready…Who hasn’t been to Iraq over the last 6 months? …basically every major player in the world has been in Iraq. And for what reason? They all have Memorandums of Understands, some have gone into formal contracting…everything is coming to a head…

9-16-2021 Newshound Guru Militiaman Washington was here [Iraq] Thursday/Friday…they came in and did their thing. Then Saudi Arabia did. Then to Iran…I pray we’re at the crossroads that we’ve all been waiting for. It sure looks promising.

9-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Did you notice that Kazemi went to Iran? He went to Iran with authority. He went to Iran with sovereignty. He went to Iran with control. He went to Iran with security and stability. Iran did not come and steal from Iraq…the clone of Donald Trump, Kazemi, went to Iran with sovereignty, control, security and stability and told them we will work with you. We want to work with everyone. But if you dare to mess around it’s going to cost you big time.