Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-17-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The 2020 budget is not off the table yet, imo. The cannot legislate (enact) it yet. It is not to be looked over. It has a purpose with it… the Cabinet to finish this week and then the Parliament will see it next week…All to be done within or over the legislative time frame of a two week period. They already have had one special session on it already. Most likely imo the 2019 FMLA is inside it, thus, it is being timed accordingly. Lets not forget the electronic systems to be in place at the Borders and the GOI. They need to fire once they decide to go international or expose a new exchange rate. They will need to be transparent. Thus, we see the adjustments being made to personnel at 8-9 key places. They include the CBI. All still looks very promising…imo.

9-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq in ’17…almost 3 years ago they performed a test. They unpegged from the dollar and went to a currency assortment basket…historically over the last 100 years the Iraq dinar the high side of it was about $4.20 the low side was about $2.50…Over the last 100 years the Iraq dinar has not gone below $2 bucks. This is a reinstatement. That means they’re going to put the value of the Iraq dinar back to where it was…a restoration of it. It devalued in 2004 against the dollar at $3.22…today we’re in the year of 2020. So here we are 15 years later…because of…the facts and variable…how it’s a reinstatement…the high point/low point over the last 100 years…I’m of the opinion…the rate is going to be very close to or around $3.80…

9-16-2020 Intel Guru Bruce let’s start off with where are we?? Where the heck are we?? Laughing – We are waiting…gathering intel…until…it is our time to go and exchange…I can tell you this – we were looking for something to happen for us as soon as today [Tuesday] – from a major bank…we do know some things are happening and definitely happening behind the scenes that we can sort of talk about…we were told we were…told consider Wednesday – Thursday and Friday – and possibly into the weekend…We had one of the individuals that works for a major bank said he was positive that this was going to go – sometime this week but we didn’t have a specific date… we are just going to have to see when it’s going to be our turn to tee off…

9-16-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Some sources say only .47 cents for the dong….] Different sources…banking sources all have different thoughts…even at that rate it sure beats a lottery ticket for what we bought it for.

9-16-2020 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat “AFTER THE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK … THE VICE-RELATIONSHIP REQUESTS RETIREMENT, AND THE GENERAL MANAGER APPLIES FOR A ONE-YEAR LEAVE” so what does this mean for us and our investment in the dinar? It means we are one step closer. We have been looking for this move all along…Will the new governor Al-Kitab support doing the project to delete the zeros? Will he support moving to a float on FOREX? We wait and see. I think this move is indicative of what must happen and the answer is YES,YES and YES! It is just a matter of time now…

9-16-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …some articles…that focus on HCL (article 140/HCL/etc)… Quotes: “there is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to resolve all pending issues, and for the constitution to be the rule, and a phased agreement was obtained from 3 months until the end of 2020, and we intend to conclude a new agreement to be implemented under the 2021 budget.”; “…it is possible to reach consensus formulas regarding the federal government’s authority over border crossings and disputed areas, and the oil and gas law,” this is undeniably exciting! The Budget, Article 140, HCL – those are all tied together, and it’s basically ALL we need for Iraq to increase their value…Seriously! IT DOES NOT GET MUCH BETTER!!!

9-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I absolutely believe soon or later the Iraqi dinar will experience a rate change. For me it’s not a matter of if it’s just a matter of when. But that’s just my opinion. There’s many reasons for me to believe that and I share them with you…now I get it. You guys are going, ‘wait a minute we were told something’s going to happen on the 15th.’ Yeah here’s the funny thing. I was told that too by so-called insiders…don’t listen to people like that. When they say they got insider information don’t automatically assume that they got legitimate insider information…the best that we could do is make an intelligent decision based on the information that we see…no body knows when these things are gonna happen but they’re gonna happen. Hang tight. Think positive.

9-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …We know that Iraq under Trump now has the full backing of the US and this is what we have waiting so long to hear… Trump surely sees the great economic potential for US companies and is trying to honestly address the issues that hurt and prevent them from investing in Iraq, then harvest the benefits…we hear news of Trump visiting Iraq later this week…

9-16-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …I am trying to find out what is happening with the timing…the news is all over this week and not making a lot of sense…I have government sources who still say we are looking at this week…Stay grounded and look at the fundamentals…There are a crap ton of rumors out there…Most of my top connected sources have said that they have agreed to a set schedule…we are just guessing at that schedule…We do not know and there is a reason for that. They have compartmentalized this thing….they have to for security reasons…I don’t think the can has been kicked…just our news is flawed…So for better or for worse- that is the news.

9-16-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this is just amazing Article “Al-Abadi’s coalition express its support for Al-Kazemi’s changes in administrative positions”. This is a really good article. Let’s look down to the highlights Quote: “The changes made by Prime Minister Kazemi yesterday on Monday were necessary in order to complete the reform process.” This one is awesome quote “In the coming days may witness new changes according to the government’s policy of conducting comprehensive political and economic reform…” Lots of amazing news…

9-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE INDEPENDENT: IRAQ HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO TAKE AUSTERITY MEASURES OR FLOAT THE CURRENCY” The…article is telling us they really have no choice but to now FLOAT their currency and end these currency auctions. Will they? …we wait to see just what they decide to do. If they decide to FLOAT they will have to RV to at least around a 1.00 then do the project to delete the zeros. Then soon move to FOREX on the planned float. This is when we go to the bank….