Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-13-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-13-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …there is no rate inside the budget…because the reforms are in the budget that makes the budget married to the rate change. Because the reforms require the currency to become internationally recognized… that’s whey the budget is married to the rate change. That’s also why the reforms are inside the budget, that makes everything married to the rate change and dependent on the rate change. They’re showing you that they couldn’t implement these reforms and push forward with them until the currency is internationally recognized…that’s what we’re waiting for…

9-13-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Iraqi Politician Calls For Normalization of Ties with Israel” …more possible peace in the Middle East…now Iraq politicians are indeed wanting to normalize ties with Israel…you’re gonna see more of this. More and more. Then of course the media is going to keep trying to find ways to keep you distracted from all the great things that Trump has done…who does not want peace? …I would love to see peace in the Middle East. I would love to see them flourish. I really would. I want to go there and visit.

9-12-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …Trump is very much looking forward to this being over…I believe that it puts us…in a situation to look very strongly toward this coming Tuesday for us…So we’re moving along – it’s coming – The SWIFT system worked to catch some bad guys – everything is like it should be – President Trump was I think pretty adamant about getting this thing started…

9-12-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana … Iraq can base their figures and strategy and future on anything they want, even a new IPO “Iraqi Premium Oil”, or anything they want. Somebody should ask Kazzammi if he has a copy of one of Bill Gates favorites – “How to Lie With Statistics”. This is a fiat game, where everything is based on nothing more than arbitrary values, and Iraq knows this. When they want to move the value up, they will do so based on whatever market/stats/reasoning they want… and if it’s preceded by a solid HCL move, they are not going to have a hard time selling it. Not hard, at all. Can. Not. Wait. It is coming.

9-12-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Comment: “I’ve been hearing this since 2010, something always comes up to stop it…” This is the 1st time in Iraq’s history they’ve ever been ready to change their rate…You can’t delay something that’s never been ready to happen…when you look back at this they never had stability. They’ve had corruption. They’ve had one of the most corrupt governments in the world…they’ve never had this level of stability…

9-12-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Kazemi, on the region’s outlets: I have touched a positive atmosphere in Erbil, and this is in the service of the country” There you go!!! They are integrating the federal and regional governments that includes the border outlets. The amount of customs and tax revenues will be massive over time…It will be a mechanism that will help pay salaries and provide an environment that will decrease the need for borrowing. …With the system integrated with block chain technology, they’ll be able to know where the money is at all times and for what, from who and when…They are removing all obstacles that hinder trade exchange processes. That means they have now or will have the ability to move international capital at the borders to facilitate trade exchange. K and B’s meeting has been a success from the looks of it…This article reeks of good times ahead!! imo. Once they get the Rate they can cross borders to the big time. imo.

9-12-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [I heard Vietnam can’t RV because they are on the money manipulation list and until they are removed no RV for them?] My banker contacts disagree with that…i think that is more of the smoke here at the end.

9-12-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Al-Kazemi arrives in Halabja” You’re gonna see a lot of articles talking about Erbil and Baghdad trying to get things ironed out…we know what needs to be done. The only thing that’s changing right now…is the atmosphere in the amount of cooperation going on between Erbil and Baghdad. We know this has to be ironed out…They can’t go forward with the budget until they get this agreement knocked out…this has to happen very soon. We know that there’s a deadline on the budget getting to parliamentary for it to be voted on…We also know they have to review the reform papers and decide whether or not they’re going to make the changes recommended including the rate change and implement it into the 2021 budget…it looks like Al-Kazemi has rolled up his sleeves. He is over there with Bersani as well as Telebani and they’re getting these things knocked out…