Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-8-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-8-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-8-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 We don’t know if Alaq is truly gone. But he is right now while the US Treasury is there…The US Treasury is overseeing all of the dollar transaction now in the CBI. Not the total operations of the CBI but most of it.

8-8-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: ”The Dinar Breaks Its Silence: Fire Al-Alaq and the Dollar Leaves the Fifties”

8-8-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My contacts on the ground in Iraq say…they expect to see sudden movement and HCL…I am hearing is they expect to announce completion and ratification of the HCL this week…I hope they are correct.

PARAGRAPHS THAT KEEP PACE WITH GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTS” Quote: “the government must work on amending and adding new paragraphs to the
law…” WOW! This is excellent news. This article shows us the Oil and Gas Law is actually farther ahead than the news has been telling us. It actually did reach parliament and the readings were conducted so far…

8-8-2024 Intel Guru RayRen98 [via Babysmom] THERE IS NO HOT NEWS…YET.


8-7-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
The US Treasury are saying to us they are active in our country and they’re making sure the change that is coming will not be a massive flow straight into Iran…They are telling us on TV the time has come to hit the ground for this corruption.

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Iraq is still being able to function. They told us their 2023-24 budget was legal, has always been and they’re moving forward with it…Even though we haven’t seen an exchange rate change they can still function, which is fine…Now they’re starting to do things that are getting their banks in order and we’re seeing the results of that.

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy The Central Bank of Iraq was forced to allocate an entire floor to the US Treasury department to monitor money transfer operations and prevent any illegal activities. Talk about a very clear violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. This is how bad things have gotten…The United States has now taken up permanent residents within Iraq’s central bank…

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling [Iraq’s] policy has changed for the very first time since we’ve been in this…speculation together. The policy is going to change on either side of the aisle…Iraq is going to be punished if they keep moving forward here [moving more and more pro-Iranian]. That’s not good. That’s not positive for us.

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Petra Article: “Central Bank Governor’s Resignation: Admission of Failure or Escape from the Repercussions of the Financial Crisis?” Whose face is on the new currency??? False flag??? Timing!

8-7-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
Bank friend saying all of this [US Treasury involved with Iraqi banks] would not be happening right now. All this would not cause our rate to be changing. It would be staying at 1310. Or if we were lopping none of this would be necessary. It is insane that we are seeing this because a change to the rate is coming. The auctions are down to one bank and it was only around 7 million. You cannot run a country off of that. The auctions are being shut down. FRANK: That’s beautiful news.

8-7-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My contacts are saying how excited they are about Alaq stepping down. There are many confirmations now that Alak has resigned. I have a contact in the finance ministry who says there is a lot of excitement in Iraq because they believe he was one of the last roadblocks they needed to remove. We do know that Sudani has made it very clear that the revaluation or change in rates lies in the CBI’s hands. So I am going to take this as good news.

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq resigns” Quote: “Central Bank Governor Ali Allaq has reached retirement age and has submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Sudani”

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “Central Bank Governor’s Resignation: Admission of Failure or Escape from the Repercussions of the Financial Crisis?” Do we really think at this stage of where the reforms are now and how far they have come to even suggest Al-Alaq is going to go to Al-Sudani and give his resignation? …Al-Alaq in present terms has kept the country in a state of financial stability to date…This is a hit piece. One that is not surprising as the dollar auctions have dried up. That is very painful to those that lived off the cash cow… We shall see if it arrives and he steps aside as they put it…

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq resigns” He’s pressured out. There’s all kinds of crap happening…he was behind some shady things and it looks like now he is resigning. They are going to say it had to do with his retirement…

8-7-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: ”Central Bank Governor’s Resignation: Admission of Failure or Escape from the Repercussions of the Financial Crisis?” Quote: “Tuesday, that Al-Alaq decided to submit his resignation after facing multiple problems in the financial sector, in addition to his inability to fulfill his promises to control the exchange rate. This request comes at a sensitive time for the Iraqi economy, which suffers from severe fluctuations in exchange rates and direct impacts on the local economy.”

8-7-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …what is actually occurring between the CBI, the Feds and the US Treasury. If you read the headlines today you might begin to panic…you might say things are looking really bad for Iraq. But I assure you that this is all actually VERY GOOD news for us investors… this recent move by the US Treasury was made for the benefit of the currency reform process so that they could move to the next step of the currency reform once these issues are fixed…