Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-27-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-27-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-27-2019 Newshound Guru larrykn you guys are really freaking out over this Lop thing, that won’t happen, they told us years ago what they had in mind and a lop was not it…they told us what they wanted to do. …I really don’t believe they will lop…

8-27-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Question from newbie – …if they delete the zeroes, then 1,000,000 IQD becomes 1,000 IQD, and if it RVs at 1:1 then an original investment of $850 +/- for 1,000,000 IQD becomes worth $1,000?] More or less correct. That scenario is considered a lop, and is mostly a zero gain/loss scenario. If the 0’s are removed from the exchange rate, it’s a whole different ball game.

8-27-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Isaac in Zurich can see the money in his account…(currencies and Historic bonds) …it has a hold on it…he hopes to have access at any time on his currency… There are rumors of a new rate in-country possibly in Iraq…we are trying to verify this now…lots of articles out on the new coins…you can’t have coins without a new rate…does not make sense. My contacts at redemption centers are on a “heightened level”…

8-27-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The odds are very high that they’re going to float as long as they continue to move forward developing a market economy, I also believe a LOP is unlikely but possible. An RV or RI has zero possibility because monetary policy does not work that way. [Truth is nobody knows if it is going to be float or RV, but we do know it is not a lop,that would have happened long ago…can you imagine the investors having confidence if they lopped] I surely cannot say with absolute certainty, but I do know for a fact in 2012 the plan was to float the currency.

8-26-2019 Newshound Guru Dinar Investor – Jeff …”delete the zeros” is just that. It’s when they use smaller notes to replace lager notes and is a devaluation unless the rate is increased. On March 20th Iraq already came out and told you they’re going to increase the exchange rate of the Iraq dinar. So you have smaller notes coming out to replace larger notes within the country of Iraq along with an increased exchange rate. Boom there it is cut and dry…Back around 2012 the CBI already came out and said the two different currencies will coexist together within the country of Iraq. That means a 25k note will have its own unique rate and a 25 note will have its own unique rate…we’re good…

8-26-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [Where’s that GOLDEN EGG?] No Golden egg yet. We are hearing Trump may make an announcement when he gets back from the G-7…So we are to expect something when Trump hits the ground…about 8pm est? Maybe it can be activated when they are over international waters…I do not know for sure. I hear the whales will be swimming by Wednesday…

8-26-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [The IMF put an imposed rate, a programmed rate on Iraq which brought on FAKE inflation, the 3 0’s. The CBI must remove the zero’s first before THEY can assign the true value. Market isn’t involved at this point. Then, they will give the real value based on their massive reserves.] This is complete nonsense. The IMF never imposed a rate on Iraq, Iraq’s exchange rate was self inflicted…

8-26-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …this interview we are calling the “second article” from the CBI to the citizens concerning their monetary reform…it contains the information..about…many different things but mainly they’re going to introduce new small category notes, the 1, 5, 10, 20 that will coexist with the three zero notes they have right now…this was an interview solely for the citizens of Iraq to be broadcasted and constantly repeated throughout the day….24/7 it will be broadcasted for a specific amount of time…I think it’ll probably start…sometime next week…Monday or Tuesday is where I’m hoping for…

8-26-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ I am hearing from a number of sources that today is our day…Political sources swear that early afternoon today is it. Redemption Center people are in meetings today…they were on call over the weekend but didn’t work. Supposedly the whales will be liquid at 9AM Reno time. No new value yet in Iraq.

8-26-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The strategic partnership between the government and the private sector is the cornerstone of Iraq’s 2030 vision” Moving to a market economy is essential now. They have calculated the mechanisms to do so now. They’ll also need to have the economic reforms in place at an international level to support the new economy to come. Attracting foreign capital is clearly going to come from a new exchange mechanism in place…imo.