Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-26-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-26-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-26-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Right now 1 dinar is not even one [U.S.] penny. It’s like 9/10 of a penny but soon 1 dinar will be equal to at least $1.00. Did I say it will paired? No…It will be equal to at least, they told you, $1.00. I got a feeling it might be $1.30 because they kept the exchange rate at 1310. Let’s see what happens…In country at least $1.00 in value, not 1 penny in value, will give you [Iraqi citizens] purchasing power…It’s different for you [The rest of the world]…you’re going to watch the float…

8-26-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man The United States is going to say we’re ready to go. We’re not playing games anymore…we’re going to do it our way. Iraq either you’re on board or you’re not on board…No wonder those guys are barking…because the parallel markets are going to go away and fast. They know what they need to do. Change the value of their currency and no one’s going to want their [black market] USD. They’re going to know the Iraqi dinar is going to be powerful just like Sudani said…

8-26-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq moves to profit sharing and new oil contracts” This is a few days old but they are changing how they work their strategic partnerships. They are distributing pieces and parts from ongoing revenue from oil – if you invest on those projects. This means they are looking for very long term investments both in and outside the country. This points toward long term stability. I was told this is an important leg for the RV. They will become a regional powerhouse and influencer.

8-26-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] we heard about a couple of things regarding rates. I mentioned…that the contract rate on the dinar would be offered to you…it is just under hundo right now, and it’s on its way to that number should be there by the time we go in for changes…And really, we’ve seen increases in the Dong as well…You guys are going to be very happy at the redemption centers with the rates…the screen rates at the redemption centers are going to be three times higher than the bank rate on the dinar and what you get on the dong will be approximately twice as much per dong at the redemption center as it would be at the bank…I know that for a fact, because we’ve been seeing what the rates are…

8-26-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “To resolve the issue of banks “deprived of the dollar”… Al-Alaq to Washington soon”

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Why would the United States of America allowed Alaq, the Central Bank Governor [to come] unannounced? Probably because they had a good reason to allow that. Why are they having him back in such a short period of time? Because there’s a component of time that they needs things done and they’re doing that.

8-25-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Everything we’re seeing is pointing to one thing only. Do you think everything we’ve seeing is pointing to, stop the monetary reform? No. Do you think everything we’re seeing is…let’s do a lop? No. Do you think everything we’re seeing is a lie…We’re not going to give you purchasing power…It’s an optical illusion? No. Everything we’re seeing is pointing in just one direction, for the monetary reform to release the lower notes and give a new exchange rate in order for the citizens of Iraq to have purchasing power but more so in order for the HCL…payments…budget to work.

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article Quote: “An economic expert indicates a ‘solution’ that will ‘reduce’ the dollar exchange rate” Quote: “the parallel market needs to be dismantled in order for the exchange rate to decrease.”

8-25-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick They have been educating the Iraqi citizens all year on what the monetary reform mechanism is about to do to their currency. It’s going to add purchasing power to their currency. This time around with the United States Treasury there, they’re paying close attention that they will add the purchasing power to the citizens of Iraq…They’re telling them in the coming days which simply means, now, quickly.

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling Inflation is the money supply versus how the market is reacting. That’s all it is…It’s the money supply and how is it working with the people that are spending it. Do they have access to it? Is it not moving? Is there not enough money? Is there too much money? It’s always going to be the money supply.

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “Alaq’s upcoming visit to New York supports banking system stability.” People ask me why isn’t he going to Washington? What’s in New York? New York is part of the United States banking system, United States Federal Reserve Bank is in New York. Where is the account for Iraq’s oil money? …It’s not in Washington D.C. It’s not at the White House. It’s definitely in New York isn’t it.

8-25-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Iraq and America to resume negotiations on the banking sector next Monday” ALAQ’S VISIT IS ON IRAQI BANKS… IRAQI BANKS ONLY CARE ABOUT A NEW EXCHANGE RATE.

8-25-2024 Intel Guru RayRen98 [via Twitter/X] Community Comment: Just informed that lower denoms are being released to the streets right now. …It’s on the way

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraq and America to resume negotiations on the banking sector next Monday” Quote: “An informed source told Al-Eqtisad News that a delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq will begin negotiations with the American side on August 26 in America.”

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Iraq and America resume negotiations on banking sector next Monday”

8-25-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’re making nothing but money off their oil, but they’re also making nothing but money off their non-oil revenue streams. Now it’s a totally different ball game. Back in the old days Iraq’s valuation of $3.22 was based off oil. It wasn’t on phosphates…sulfur…liquid natural gas…tax revenues…tourism. None of those. Add all that in now into the exchange rate gives some support doesn’t it. You start thinking about it, wait a second, so why would you come back out at $3.22 again? Good question. Will they? Don’t know. Is it likely they will? I don’t know. Why would it be any less than that?

8-25-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Is the US still holding up the RV and Iraq? MarkZ: I don’t think so….I think the US is desperate for money…

8-25-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …it looks like our start for notification and exchanges could start over the weekend…It could defer to Monday, with exchanges starting either Monday or Tuesday. That’s very possible.