Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-26-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-26-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-26-2019 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: “Iraqi coins that were previously in use” Quotes: “there is a step to delete the zeros preceding the coinage process to be a value for small groups to large.”; “It is noteworthy that the Iraqi dinar, which was equal to 3.22 dollars before Iraqs invasion of Kuwait in 1990…”

8-26-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The strategic partnership between the government and the private sector is the cornerstone of Iraq’s 2030 vision” Moving to a market economy is essential now. They have calculated the mechanisms to do so now. They’ll also need to have the economic reforms in place at an international level to support the new economy to come. Attracting foreign capital is clearly going to come from a new exchange mechanism in place…imo.

8-26-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ I am hearing from a number of sources that today is our day…Political sources swear that early afternoon today is it. Redemption Center people are in meetings today…they were on call over the weekend but didn’t work. Supposedly the whales will be liquid at 9AM Reno time. No new value yet in Iraq.

8-25-2019 Intel Guru Bluwolf First off we are at a great moment to receive this BLESSING on schedule I might say. All is moving along according to the actual and only plan. Securities are in place and on highest of alerts so are all banks and there personnel…All leaders around the world are pushing both this Global Currency Reset and this Revaluation scenario forward and so you know there is no delays no upsets and definitely no way back and this has been guaranteed.

8-25-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …The interview that occurred today [Saturday] happened via an Iraqi newscast. It was an interview to be aired only inside of Iraq. It consisted of two big wigs…they met unexpectedly with the media…IMO I think it could be the Minister of Finance…and a board member of the CBI…they are going to replay this interview that you’re gonna find out about tomorrow over and over and over again to give the citizens more and more understanding of what is soon to come to them in their currency reform…this interview is to explain the intent of the Central Bank of Iraq to add value to their currency for the citizens…I’m very very curious to see this interview tomorrow…the media has to release it. How is it that we got it? Our fireflies were there..

8-25-2019 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “Economist: The central bank follows a fiscal policy to keep the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar steady” This sounds like a fixed rate to me. I can’t imagine spending the amount of money coins will cost and not have an increase in value…

8-25-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …They did it again! They came back and and said, ‘You know the coins? We’re bringing them out. Here’s why.” Wow…everything is ready. It’s been ready…The CBI knows that they’re about to lift the zeroes. They don’t need anybody talking for them anymore…The CBI knows what they are doing…when they are ready to talk they’ll put out what we called the second article from the CBI…

8-25-2019 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: “Economist: Reprinting the coin will reduce the burden of paper damage” Quote: “With regard to the possibility of raising the price of the dinar against the dollar, Al-Okaili said, “The central bank is tired of a fiscal policy to keep the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar unchanged for not entering inflation.” Talking again…appears the CBI is tired of of holding the exchange rate steady/unchanged …what do they have in mind?

8-25-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Jeff …in our forum we try to shoot for factual proof…that way there’s no BS. After Kurdistan and Baghdad come into agreement on those items [HCL & Article 140]…what we’re looking for is to see if they advance straight to the formation of the government or if they work on another task…that’s gonna tell us exactly where we stand. If they move straight into the formation of the government that means there’s nothing left. The stage is fully set and they’re ready to change the rate. That’s what we’re looking for. Those facts will confirm everything for you.