Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-21-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-21-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-21-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article Quote: “The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq has confirmed work is underway to reduce the price of the dollar against a dinar in the coming days.” We’ve heard this before but we haven’t seen the end result yet. Why is that? Could they have been trying to do it before? Sure. Have they tried many times? They could have. Are they trying to do it again? The evidence support that this is what they are telling us – that they’re going to try to do it again. Hopefully they get this one done.

8-21-2024 Guest Guru Zester [via PDK] There are…tons of rumors that some of the large groups are starting the exchange process this week… Please handle this update with care as the news has been all over the place today. That update was from pops [MarkZ].

8-21-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Once again, the Project to Delete the Zeros raises its head up. Yes, two more articles on it this period… There are other articles today related to the topic that help us understand and tell us they know what they have to do and its just a matter of time how and when they do it. The clock it ticking… tic, toc, tic, toc.

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Saleh, the financial advisor, has talked about the float…a managed float or a mixture of the peg and the float which would be considered flexible…These guys are going to do what they think is the most positive…They’re not going to try to hurt the situation. They’re going to try to make themselves successful.

8-20-2024 Guest Guru Zester [via PDK] …pops (MarkZ)…is feeling…optimistic and feeling great. (Mark is having stem cell treatments to try to arrest the progress of muscular disease) I do have an update directly from pops this morning. From MarkZ: Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes… I am hearing a lot of hopeful bond talk for later today…I also have multiple reports that currencies are not paying out yet.

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article “US State Department : Our commitment to the relationship with the Kurdistan Region is firm”

8-20-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Saleh was talking about the floats and he was also talking to us about fixed rates. He’s saying no decisions have been made. They talked about the pros and the cons of each one of these options. Then the CBI came out and said in the coming days we will make actions to lower the dollar exchange rate. FRANK: Can the CBI lower the dollar exchange rate? No. Yes! How? FIREFLY: …The CBI’s job is not to control the dollar…They can’t touch a dollar but…the CBI can touch the dinar…If they lifted the value of our currency wouldn’t that bring down the value of the dollar in our country? …Let’s see if that is the only thing the CBI could do to bring the dollar down is raise the dinar. They say in coming days.

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “Iraq avoids the grey list” Iraq was on a black list at one time. Then they moved to the grey list, which we thought wow that’s pretty good, we’re moving forward. Now they’re saying Iraq has avoided the grey list. Quote: “In a remarkable development the Anti-money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office in Iraq announced the country is far from being included in the grey list after the mutual international evaluation Iraq underwent for 14 month.” Sounds pretty intense.

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling Remember it’s an artificial rate. It’s manipulated by the note count.

8-20-2024 Guru Nader From The Mid East [Iraq former government/UN employee friend Imad from Basra update] What happened to Kuwait basically is the same thing. Whatever is happening to Iraq, it happened already to Kuwait. After the war Kuwait went back to normal. The American people who held and bought those notes when it was down made a lot of money. That’s for sure. Now the scenario is repeating itself with Iraq.

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Iraq avoids the gray list: temporary victory or the beginning of a new crisis?”

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: ”Government Advisor: Al-Alaq’s upcoming visit to New York will support the protection and stability of the banking system” Quote: “The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh…pointed out that the file of the sanctioned banks requires negotiation due to the possibility of an error or exaggeration in issuing the decision to sanction them…There will be meetings held with the Federal Bank and the US Treasury Department at the end of this August”

8-20-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
Saleh on TV talking about the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar on oil sales. He’s talking about how and why… FRANK: Sudani is now sending people on a daily basis out to talk to you…If it’s not Saleh talking to you about the monetary reform, it’s Alaq reminding you you’re going to get purchasing power…Then it’s himself that comes out and tell you the project to lift the three zeros is still on the table, we’re going to give you purchasing power like we promised you this year…Your purchasing power is coming.

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “Central Bank’s inability to meet the needs of Iraq dinars which may force an increase in issued monetary mass.” They didn’t say dollars, they said the need for dinar. Why would they need to have dinar? Remember…they’ve been bringing in 25k notes because…they’re doing electronic. All that money that comes in gets credited on cards. They’ve been absorbing cash…

8-20-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man What were they doing in the background? They were destroying money…They didn’t tell you how much money they destroyed…But they’re saying they’re having a problem with liquidity…a problem…to meet the need for Iraq dinar…They’re going to need money to be replaced. Could that be the new small category notes with more value? …Why in the world would you go out and destroy a bunch of money… make it into pellets for burning, when you’re going to go and create new 25k notes. Does that make any sense to anybody? Do you think they built that big, huge massive building…to have more inflation and a cheaper exchange rate less that 1310? That’s what they would be doing…That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

8-20-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Are they waiting on the election to release the RV? MarkZ: I was always told it was not election related…. Guess we will find out though.