Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-19-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-19-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …I just don’t think Donald Trump would take the time of day as busy as he is if there wasn’t something pertinent to discuss that would have an impact on the economy of the United States. He’s a very strategic business man. He expects action. He expects movement…everything that we read suggests sooner rather than later…Donald Trump is not going to waste his time. He’s gonna want to know everything is done that they said they were going to do…IMO it’s not going to be delayed another 30 days. It’s going to move now. Now. The eye of the storm is now…

8-19-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the [CBI connected “satellite] banks established in the United States of America are already open. Oh, snap. The banks that we were talking about that would be helping anyone from the Middle East that live in the United States of America these banks are there for them. And for American citizens too…of all the 48 states…which state do you think has a lot of these Middle Easterners that some 17 years ago they fled Saddam? They fled the Middle East. They went all over the place. Canada. Switzerland. The Untied States. Of our 48 continental states, which state do you think has the most Middle Easterners…? …Michigan. And it’s more than one bank up in Michigan by the way. I can tell you one of them is on XXXXXX St [in Dearborn Michigan]…please don’t be silly. Don’t try to call this bank and ask them “When’s the value going to go up?” Really? Only a child will do something like that. Please leave this bank alone… When did these banks open? IMO it’s when they became article VIII…

8-19-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …there’s some understandable excitement about our man Kazzammie coming to America. Meeting with President Trump. Tomorrow. In my opinion, this does not mean “RV by Friday”. Iraq does not need “Trump’s approval”. That’s not what is going on here. Whether you like Trump or not, you probably (at least) acknowledge that he has his fingers in a LOT of pies…and you can bet your sweet apples that he has the means, ability, and likely desire to help Iraq move forward. A Kazzammie-Trump meeting is not a small thing. It’s quite likely the opposite, and this might be the last time they meet before we see a surge in the price of Dinar…tomorrow could be exciting, especially if anyone even mentions “HCL”. We will see! Go Kazzammie. Go Trump. Go HCL. Go Iraq. And GOOOO RRRRVVVVVVVV!!!

8-18-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …just because they get their sovereignty recognized and if they get the restrictions removed that does not mean here in the United Stated our banks are going to accept them right away. Hang tight. Nor does that mean you’re going to see an instantaneous rate change. But what I think that is, is the first step forward in a positive direction but then shortly after that I hope to see a rate change announcement. That’s what I’m looking forward to now.

8-18-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the CBI has not even given any indication that they have set a time period as a target to complete or begin the project to delete the zeros…I can tell you right now, without any reservation, that you will not see a reinstatement until early January 2021 at the earliest. I only hope we don’t have to go yet another year after that even…January is the best time to reinstate the dinar. This is the beginning of the Iraqi fiscal year and so for accounting purposes it makes total sense…I expect some actions from the CBI late this fall concerning the project to delete the zeros, but only if they decide to go in January with the reinstatement. This will be our indicator of intent. Get it? No secrets here. They MUST tell the citizens of Iraq what they intend to do and can’t hide this…

8-18-2020 Intel Guru Delta …In my personal opinion we might not see nothing until he [Kazemi] comes back from the U.S. and then we are probably going to hear from the Central Bank of Iraq…the Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to show their hands…the most important question is the time frame…we know the CBI is ready but the million dollar question is the time frame…

8-18-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …I think they all know what’s coming. We all know what’s coming. It’s here. We’re just going through the process to get us to that point. Whether it’s before, during or right after [Kazemi’s trip to Washington]. I’m of the option that they’ve got to do it before but that’s me. I could be wrong for sure. I foresee Kazemi going back to his country with a new rate with all this business that has been committed by our president between Iraq and the U.S. which they’ve commented on in many articles that he will come back with his head held high, with a sovereign country, with a new currency, and a huge amount of business committed to by our government. That is what I imagine is going to come…

8-18-2020 Intel Guru Footforward The Iraqi PM will likely be in Iraq when they RV. I’m hoping they announce a peace deal and a trade deal with Israel and the US… [why do you think he will be in Iraq when it happens?] pride. This has been a long time coming. He has beaten back Iran and there is alot of pride in this moment Of bringing the RV. Because it changes Iraq’s status greatly.

8-18-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I was hoping banking centers would give us more news yesterday but they are still being very tight-lipped. I take that as an excellent sign. …The reality is we are going to see this reset sooner rather than later…it has become an inevitability…the cans to big-they cannot kick it.

8-18-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Foreign Ministry: Positive expectations that Iraq will exit from the list of high-risk countries during the current year” They’re talking about removing Iraq from the list of high-risk countries… thought or felt to support terrorism…that’s called the OFAC list. Because Iraq’s on that list within the U.S. the big banks do not exchange Iraq’s currency.

8-18-2020 Guest Guru Austin-Powers-For-PM …A “Sovereign Iraqi State” won’t excite the media by itself. I think it’s a combination of a Peace Deal, trade agreement, Sovereignty announcement, and support for Iraq “Internal Financial Reforms.” RV happens shortly thereafter. What “Shortly” is will be quite variable. IMO sometime between August 20th and January 1st. But just IMO. But it will have to be epic to suck up all the MSM attention, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Al-Kazemi made some sort of announcement standing next to the President. But we shall see. Something is going to happen Thursday evening.