Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-17-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-17-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-17-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] When do we get notified? The latest information has been all over the place…but I can tell you the latest information that I believe is reliable is saying we will receive notifications sometime Tuesday…That would be the 20th…And that would be great. Then we probably will be setting our appointments, more than likely, for Wednesday, with some possibility of Tuesday afternoon…

8-17-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Do you think the rate is going to float? MarkZ: I do not. But if there is – I was told the float would be very managed and slow…

8-16-2024 Guru Nader From The Mid East [Iraq former government/UN employee friend Imad from Basra update] Question: “Have they come out with the new notes in Iraq?” No. They working on it.

8-16-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: So Mark could RV happen tomorrow night? MarkZ: We don’t know, but there certainly is a tremendous amount of chatter…I have heard…that it has started and things are moving. I reached out to redemption people and banking folks…and they are on “stand-by” and have not been notified…yet. They have not yet been told “this is it”…I
believe the overall process has started. Maybe just not getting to the redemption part yet…I heard that they are hopeful they can do it before the first part of the week…

8-16-2024 Newshound Guru Buckeyetree Talking about new currency, lower notes, signifies to Iraqis that a rate change is coming with purchasing power, being able to buy more with less, the opposite of inflation. Alak and Sudani are holding back the lower notes till they can give them the new rate. The Iraqis win, and we win because a rate change is coming which requires new notes.

8-16-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Parliamentary Wealth: Oil and Gas Law Stalled in Government Halls”

8-16-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] From Iraq –they are offering achievement bonds and national bonds …and this is something they have not done since before the Iraqi invasion in 2002-2003. My finance ministry contact said to really focus on this. These are sovereign national achievement bonds that they are selling…he is telling me that this means they are from under US control. He says to watch for a new rate soon.

8-16-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Corruption…At the very last minute you’re going to do something that’s dramatic and you’re going to create value, you’re going to want to have all the bad folks under the gun and maybe even notified prior to that we got your number…

8-16-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
We see Saleh again on TV. This is the second time he talks to us now about the float. He’s saying the float can be adventurous. We intend to have it fixed. Ours will be fixed or managed float. That is what’s best at this time for Iraq and our currency. He went and talked about how…we went from 11,000 ATMs to over 55,000…in gas stations alone… FRANK: Ever since the United States Treasury showed up last week they just cannot stop talking to you every day on the television about the success of the monetary reform…new lower notes…the new exchange rate…Now it’s gone way deeper into the float.

8-16-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “introduction of new currency does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but it will continue to trade to about ten years”. How can this possibly…“lop” when they will continue trade and use these larger three zero notes in the background for 10 more years after they complete the Project…So no more negative stuff about a LOP…please!

8-16-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Any word on the HCL in Iraq? MarkZ: It is still back in the Parliamentary committee to rewrite a few of the paragraphs…then it will go to parliament…which could be any day… When it is approved you won’t have to ask…I will be screaming it out…