Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-1-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-1-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-1-2016 Newshound Guru tlm724 We saw Ernst & Young taking control of the state banks and they indicated it will take 125 working days max to do what needs to be done. Which should be somewhere around November for completion. The timing is no coincidence I am sure. Back in June the Cabinet approved the launch of electronic applications for the 6 trillion dinar stimulus loans, even the Integrity Commission is electronic now. So the announcement from the CBI is saying they preparing the infrastructure and facilities for E-dinar, getting everything ready for the end of the year or the beginning of 2017. Tis a beautiful thing!

8-1-2016 Newshound Guru tlm724 This will open them up internationally, reduce corruption and eliminate red tape. There won’t be much need for the currency traders either. Also it will stop much of the currency counterfeiting! This will reduce and eventually eliminate the need for the dollar as the program gets into full swing. This opens the door for the deletion of the 3 zero’s!! This is everything “currency reform” the epitome of the plan! The stars are lining up.

8-1-2016 Newshound Guru Bondlady Article quote: “…Select the central bank governor on the Keywords, Saturday, 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards…” This a well thought out plan and it obviously has the IMF written all over it…a well thought out plan to move the country forward with each step analyzed and implemented at the appropriate time! We have learned how Iraq has been setting up the smart card and getting the facilities ready in many of the provinces with the goal of having it in ALL of the provinces…this will bring in much of the dinar off the streets which we know is necessary to the currency reform plan.

8-1-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Economy and investment parliamentary host the five Iraqi banks managers” Quote: “The committee of economy and investment parliamentary five banks managers in Iraq today hosted to discuss the reality of the banking business…” Good to see the banks and CBI in the news. Like we have said many times, there is no market economy until their is a banking system in Iraq. And these last few days they seem to be more focused on activating it. The good news is that activating the banking system means a change in monetary policy and currency reform. So progress is happening ever so slowly…it’s coming.

8-1-2016 Newshound Guru firefly Article: “Parliamentary Finance is discussing with the new managers of the banks to maintain liquidity” Quote: “Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed with the new bank directors, maintaining Iraq’s cash flow from waste, as well as discuss the Banking Act.” as well as discuss the Banking Act. Quote: “These meetings aim to walk according to the draft reforms as well as for the organization of Iraqi banks and prevent manipulation.” the draft reforms…REFORMS!!! …expect some great news this week. I’m looking for some huge items mid week. ALWAYS follow the money. They could talk economic reforms all they want but… What can you do at 1166?

8-1-2016 Intel Guru Blondie Has the trigger for exchange notifications been pulled as of right now? No. As always, we don’t know the date or time. But all indications are that we continue to be inching towards that date and time in very short order – as of this moment. There is no information indicative of an unplanned interruption in the process at this time. I remain highly encouraged and optimistic.

7-31-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing I have been quiet for long time seeing how people have become discouraged and frustrated. There is no banker holding up the rv, there is no Obama, Hillary, Bush, or Trump hold up. The rv is not being held up until the elections. These are stories we have heard for years and they do not justify predictions that have come and gone. Now is the time to be encouraged and alert. Iraq has been doing a lot of things that call for an appreciation on their currency (rv). There is a big increase in exports expected during q3 with a slight increase in imports. Just this is enough to expect a currency appreciation along with the policies and procedures they have already approved and implemented.

7-31-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing The fact that a country has gold, oil and other precious minerals is not enough to have a currency appreciation. It needs among other things the development of sound financial, fiscal and operating policies and procedures. It is a simple as this: you may have a have a million dollars today and next month- nothing… because you didn’t establish a budget to control your expenditures. So the appreciation of a currency is a complex and slow process. That’s why it has taken so many years. With that said, I am not calling the rv, but I am highly expectant any time now because if Iraq wants to show a high increase in their q3 export figure and a positive trade balance as forecasted, they need to do something asap.

7-31-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG …I don’t put alot of confidence in the comments by Alak in this recent article…Alak’s job has been in question for 6 months or a year… AND – they are talking more and more – especially over the last 2 weeks. (about removing him).

7-31-2016 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article: “Basra council: the completion of the project port of Faw will solve major economic problems in the province” Article quote: “…the Chairman of Basra Provincial Council, Sabah al-Bazoni, that Basra must be seen Basra as Economic Capital of Iraq.” And so it appears Basra is on it’s way and so like a shining beacon of hope for Iraq!