Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-7-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-7-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-7-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …those currencies that are undervalued like the Iraqi dinar you will see them go up in value. I think you are going to see a 1 for 1 exchange with your country’s currency. Since I live here in the Untied States I will be able to exchange one dinar for one U.S. Dollar. I have a feeling that’s the direction we’re going into. The same with the Vietnam dong. Both those currencies are undervalued. Since they’re undervalued they will increase in order to meet the 1 for 1…they will be on a level playing field.

7-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff when you see them bring forth the budget that’s when you’re gonna see the rate change. It’s that simple. Just follow the movement of a budget and this will literally walk you right to the finish line. You’re gonna know they’re gonna change the rate…That’s why they’re very clearly hiding a budget from you. Does not get any more cut and dry or easier than that. The facts favor this year more than ever…the “white paper” and the “analyzing the exchange rate” is a game plan and a form of setting the stage to strongly change the rate…this year..

7-7-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the raising of the value can take all the way down till September…July is out the window for me. They already started paying the salaries for July…for them to come out and tell us they do have salaries all the way down to August then it’s logic that we might not see anything till September…I’d love to see this tonight or tomorrow but there’s some work they need to do…

7-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] […heard rv maybe late sept or march 2021…] I have not heard anything pointing to that far off at all.

7-6-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Legal expert: The constitution gave the central government the power to control the country’s outlets and send special forces to monitor it” Article quote: “…the flow of the currency market will be strengthened, strengthening the dinar.” Now it is time to go to the international world with the new rate imo. We have the borders and the electronic system in place to get the money from the borders to the Federal Government…They have had a system in place, but, now they have an agreement with the Peshmerga and the Federal Government with the special forces bridging the gap at the borders. They will secure the funds that will come from the borders and those funds will allow for salaries and to start exporting to other countries the exchange trade…they are gearing to do what is in the White Papers. …there is a direct motivation to get into the market economy, now, not later!!…

7-6-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff The rate change now can only go one of two directions…if they do implement a semi-annual budget October through March then they’re gonna have to change the rate during the month of September of this year. It’s that simple. But if they don’t implement a semiannual budget then this could be dragged out until March of next year. That’s what we have to watch…there’s actually so much good information pointing to the second half of this year…they showed us the “white papers”. That’s the roadmap for the rate change. Then they even came out really studying and analyzing the exchange rate in great detail…IMO that suggests to me they’re probably preparing to change that rate…late September…but I’m not giving you a date. I’m just bringing you facts from a broader level…the news is amazing right now. None of us want to wait but it’s nice to know more about where you stand…

7-6-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Don’t you dare let your dinars out of your sight. Do you notice my emotions went up? Good. “Yeah, we’ll take your dinars, we’ll make sure they’re verified and we’ll let you know.” No. “We’re going to send your dinar to the main headquarter bank in the capital of our state.” No. Find out where they were going to send it and you go there…Don’t you ever let your dinars out of your sight…The hardest part is about to begin. You think waiting was hard to do? Waiting is nothing compared to what you’re about to get involved with.

7-6-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I go around and see what other people are saying and I’m concerned that it seems like every little tidbit of piece of information that comes out they’re magically finding a away to link it to a rate change. Don’t do that. There is enough good news out there that shows us that we are heading in that direction without a doubt…be careful about things that are being scrolling around in our dinar community. Not every little thing is an automatic proof that an exchange rate is gonna happen. Look at the bigger picture. See the agenda. See what’s going on. To me that’s a lot more clearer picture of what’s happening and that is the restoration of Iraq’s sovereignty and their removal of currency restrictions on the international playing field. That’s what we’re looking for…

7-6-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] No changes in value today anywhere that we can see at a street level. I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen until this evening …lots of positioning for exchanges. We just need to sit tight. We are not in charge of the timing but we do appear to be very close. It may not seem like I’m excited as I have to tell you all nothing happened yet…..but I am. We are very stinkin close.

7-6-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …I recently spoke with my Iraqi contact who does work for the Iraqi government…one thing that he stressed to me is the general news that you’re seeing is not enough news for anyone of us to utilize…to guesstimate when the rate change can happen. We have to look at the bigger picture in this…You have to follow the movement of the money…Late last year Iraq put out some key articles saying their 2020 budget would have huge things in it…basically a lot of post rate change stuff suggesting that the 2020 budget is married to the rate change. But we never saw a 2020 budget…the fact that you have not seen a 2020 budget…confirmed…that the budget is indeed married to the rate change…That’s why they have to hide the 2020 budget from you…it’s that simple now.

7-6-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …how to do the exchange when the time comes…this is just my opinion…ideas…the banks – they’re in business to make money. One of the ways they make money is when they exchange currency. They charge you a spread. I will do everything possible…to make sure that that bank that I decide to do business with gives me the best deal possible. I will demand that they don’t even charge me a spread. If they insist. Let’s talk that spread down…then talk about some perks…don’t just exchange IMO…you are in control. That bank wants your business…you don’t want to be rude but stand your ground…