Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-6-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-6-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-6-2021 Newshound Guru Militiaman The 10th richest country…in the world is Iraq. And that 10th country has more than just oil. They’re going to have tourism and religious tourism. They’re going to have imports and exports of all the construction materials that are going to come in – food – housing. It’s going to be insane building…That was the need for the build-out of the port… a lot of income will come from there because it’s one of the largest ports in the world and it’s not going to be at a program rate as far as we can tell.

7-6-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …from what I am being told…over the holiday weekend they finished taking care of all new banking system issues…and they are ready…so at this point I believe they are just waiting for somebody to pull the trigger…. That somebody is who we call “The Grandfather”.

7-5-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [When we…exchange will we receive all our funds or just a portion of them?] I was told that if you have under 100 million dong and 100 million dinar that you will receive your money up front with no holding period except 24 hours for the funds to be deposited. You will receive some the first day. The rest on the second …other people are hearing different things.

7-5-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 The CBI and VISA have commercials to explain to the Iraqi citizens how to use the new digital currency system to make payments instead of cash, supposedly to make for a better global economy.

7-5-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Economy: Two steps will prevent the theft of about 4 billion dollars annually in Iraq” Quote: “among those proposals is the automation of outlets through a unified electronic system, as well as working to change the mechanisms used by the authority, because it facilitates the work of the corrupt and continues to steal public money.” There you have the two steps needed to support the value of the currency. Imo The border revenues activated electronically with the mechanism (new exchange rate, new currency issued.) will do it. …The key is about to unlock the door to internationalism! …imo It is going to be a powerful week ahead! The signs are and have been heavenly lately…

7-5-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …They are really looking at Tuesday or Wednesday now. There are many, many people absolutely convinced this is it. It s overwhelming the amount of people looking at this week for it to happen. There is so much anticipation. We will be watching it this week and I know we are close…

7-5-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy 2016 – half a decade ago. That’s when they were originally going to make the rate change…You can’t hand out the lower denominations at the current rate of exchange – why is that? They hold no value. None whatsoever. They’d be worthless. The only way you could start using these lower denomination is you do what? Yes, increase the value of the Iraqi dinar so that the lower denominations have value. They were about to do it and then the doo-doo hit the fan. We know ISIS came in there and ruined our plans. If they got close enough one time before I’m pretty sure they can get there again…