Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-6-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-6-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-6-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …how to do the exchange when the time comes…this is just my opinion…ideas…the banks – they’re in business to make money. One of the ways they make money is when they exchange currency. They charge you a spread. I will do everything possible…to make sure that that bank that I decide to do business with gives me the best deal possible. I will demand that they don’t even charge me a spread. If they insist. Let’s talk that spread down…then talk about some perks…don’t just exchange IMO…you are in control. That bank wants your business…you don’t want to be rude but stand your ground…

7-6-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Iraq is talking about the rate change. Good or bad? Article: “Parliamentary Finance warns against moving toward changing the dinar exchange against the dollar: 3 categories will pay the price!” Quote: “…until now we have not seen the draft of the Financial Reform Law but there are information and leaks we report that there is an intention to change the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar…” …they keep making the case for why you can’t devalue the dinar which we agree with 100% because we want them to increase the value of the dinar…

7-6-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …I recently spoke with my Iraqi contact who does work for the Iraqi government…one thing that he stressed to me is the general news that you’re seeing is not enough news for anyone of us to utilize…to guesstimate when the rate change can happen. We have to look at the bigger picture in this…You have to follow the movement of the money…Late last year Iraq put out some key articles saying their 2020 budget would have huge things in it…basically a lot of post rate change stuff suggesting that the 2020 budget is married to the rate change. But we never saw a 2020 budget…the fact that you have not seen a 2020 budget…confirmed…that the budget is indeed married to the rate change…That’s why they have to hide the 2020 budget from you…it’s that simple now.

7-5-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Work is preparing to launch a second supplement to the rejected cards” Quote: “…the Ministry of Social Protection in the Ministry has completed its technical and financial procedures to launch the second supplement of subsidy salaries during the current week, for the cards that were previously suspended for various reasons.” So what changed that required them to suspend their cards? Was it because the electronic system went down with a “E” – COVID – 19 VIRUS? lol Or could it have had to do with the delay for everyone’s salaries to be adjusted accordingly to reflect their new purchase power? Time will tell. As, the timing of this is by my view no coincidence…We shall see in the coming days…

7-5-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Do you feel we are within days] absolutely I do. I don’t know how many days yet. But yes. The word is in motion.

7-5-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Iraq is definitely draining the swamp…looks like there’s a lot happening and it’s happening quickly again. Article: “Pompeo mentioned him by name and accused of killing protesters…the dimensions of the step to relieve Fayyad from security positions in Iraq” …it was believed that he gave the orders for the soldiers to shoot on unarmed protesters. Just for the record this guy here is an Iranian puppet big time… Quote: “the decision was on Saturday by the office of the prime minister Al-Kazemi. A step that was paved for several days and leaked by talks about Al-Kazemi’s intentions to carry out a coordinated campaign aimed at reducing Tehran’s influence in the situation and institutions of the Iraq state before his upcoming visit to the United States this month.” So he is draining the swamp…I’m excited about it. All these are major steps and achieving what we want and that is for Iraq to get their sovereignty and they get the restrictions moved off of their currency…

7-5-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …when the value goes up are you gonna call every Tom, Dick and Harry and tell them you just made a lot of money? Or that you made capital gains with your investment? Or that you had a windfall? Are you gonna brag about this? Are you gonna put it on social media? Are you going to tell that relative that you never told in the first place? Are you gonna shove it into their faces, the ones that told you it’s never gonna happen, to satisfy your ego and pride? I hope not. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Do your very best to be humble about this. Do your very best to shut-up about this. The entourage, the group of people that know about your windfall, you want to try to limit that. Not only for your safety but for that matter for your sanity. Ever drop a sugar cube next to an anthill? Every ant is all of a sudden turning around and heading toward that sugar cube. Don’t draw attention to yourself.

7-5-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …it is very concerning that the government and new prime minister are trying to pass a new Financial Reform Law that involves the dinar. The government has no business getting involved in CBI monetary policy. You really only see governments get involved in monetary policy if it involves changing the physical value of the currency such as a LOP. We recently saw that occur with Iran. We do not want to see this happen with Iraq. Traditional monetary policy is the sole responsibility of the CBI. Getting off the peg, moving to a float, or simply raising the value is the responsibility of the CBI and Parliament should have no involvement.

7-5-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …right now with the Iraqi dinar – it’s going good. It’s going smooth. Better than it ever has before. Before when we used to get excited about this news, now it’s coming out so commonplace that we don’t even think about it hardly no more as anything overly exciting because we’re used to Al-Kazemi cracking the whip on people…there’s something definitely happening in July. I don’t know what it is. There’s a major announcements getting ready to come from Trump…