Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-5-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-5-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-5-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy 2016 – half a decade ago. That’s when they were originally going to make the rate change…You can’t hand out the lower denominations at the current rate of exchange – why is that? They hold no value. None whatsoever. They’d be worthless. The only way you could start using these lower denomination is you do what? Yes, increase the value of the Iraqi dinar so that the lower denominations have value. They were about to do it and then the doo-doo hit the fan. We know ISIS came in there and ruined our plans. If they got close enough one time before I’m pretty sure they can get there again…

7-5-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …They are really looking at Tuesday or Wednesday now. There are many, many people absolutely convinced this is it. It s overwhelming the amount of people looking at this week for it to happen. There is so much anticipation. We will be watching it this week and I know we are close…

7-4-2021 Intel Guru Texas Snake [SAT 03.07.21 19:55] …at some point between tonight and the early morning hours of Monday 5 July the notifications will be released by time zones allowing appointment scheduling for a shotgun start this coming Wednesday 7 July.

7-4-2021 Intel Guru Holly …The RV is rolling out and it appears all the obstructionists should be contained. …Look for notifications the middle of the week…

7-4-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Kuwait takes $3.67 dollars to equal 1 Kuwait dinar. Dubai takes $1 dollar to equal 3.67 AE dinar…Iraq takes .0006 dollars to equal 1 Iraqi dinar. See something wrong here? ‘One of these does not belong like the others’. Some of you as old as I am knows where that song comes from… [Iraq] has more oil. They are a richer nation. There’s no reason for this [low rate] to be here at all…It’s a legitimate currency. We all know this…Will it go up in value? Yes. Whether it’s an RI or RV just pay attention to what’s going on with the economy…shows you eventually the dinar is going to get back up here in value. Will it do it all at once? Who knows. Will it eventually get there? Yes, a lot sooner than people think!

7-4-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The UST and the G-7 have openly stated they have “Achieved Global Reform”. Well that statement means a lot to me in that they UST is all about money and finance, etc.. The G7 has been in the mix with Global Reform…the White Papers that are being implemented are a part of the Global Reform that we are witnessing. It includes 200+- Central Banks…Prime Minister Kahdimi has openly stated he has begun implementing Economic Reforms and Monetary Reforms. What we are seeing is his ability to get trust from the world to finish the project to delete the zeros and go into a market economy. The private sector is where Iraq will begin a new, as we will too!! …they have not deviated from the project. It is fully under way and there are ample writings on it.

7-4-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The UST, the World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, IMF, AMF, UN, EU, are all in on this. …They didn’t do all this to go international at a program rate of 1460QD/USD.. That is not the plan. The plan as stated and explained is to increase the purchase power for the citizens…we know that Iraq going into a market economy will benefit them and us, just as the market economy will support the exchange rate and will create revenue streams outside of oil. A necessary need for success! …The country is ready to issue the new currency. Electronic or digital currency cards have and are being issued and may have been completed now.. imo. So, lets see what the cat drags in prior to Forex.. Will it usher in fireworks? We shall see. imo.

7-4-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Since the 20th of last month everyday they are coming out and doing what we expressed. It is a flow of information that is teaching them everything about the monetary reform…