Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-4-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …We’re in a very very good spot…Our window just got bigger. The value of the dinar – they need to take care of the budget – just got bigger. They just told us that it will be within 3 months that they’re going to completely redo this thing and have a plan to implement all this. We’ve learned a lot in the last month. Probably more than the entire time we’ve been watching. They’re putting the value on the table. They are telling you they need $66 per barrel and they’re telling you the oil prices are never going to get there for the next few years. They are telling you …they are going to put this stuff together and implement it within 3 months…they need to be able to afford to be in international markets, protect their reserves and have value added to their currency. That’s the only way…

7-4-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I’m concerned about what’s going on around the world a little bit…there’s definitely something going on. I know the Iraqi dinar is part of it. I haven’t figured it out yet but there’s definitely something weird going on. There’s a lot of stress testing going on, in banks around the world. Stress testing is whenever they try to do a slight shock to the stock exchange or something that would cause a semi panic of people running to the bank and they want to make sure that the bank’s first of all are liquid enough so that if there was a mad rush to the bank that they would have enough money to give the people…we’re definitely in a unique position right now. How all this ties together I’m not quite sure but it definitely looks like there’s something big going on and Iraqi dinar believe it or not is a big part of it.

7-3-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […that the finance committee in conjunction with the CBI has re-issued bonds to cover the 3months beyond July – Sept for the salaries. So the pressure is off and we may have to wait a bit longer to see the reinstatement. …what do you…think about this statement?] [Reference Guru Mnt Goat post 7-3-2020] I absolutely disagree. No one in their right mind would give Iraq a loan of any kind and they had been rejected over and over for loans until the white papers came out. Now suddenly, even Mike Pompeo says they will lend them all the money they need? The people loaning them money have an assurance they will get their money back. With oil prices being so low, the only thing that makes sense is an RV. That’s my opinion..

7-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I know for a FACT that it is not the CBI so much that is holding back the currency reform portion of the reforms but the “powers to be” (PTB) who may feel Iraq is not yet ready and the Iranian influence and corruption is still not under the desired control. Iraq still also needs to make good on its promises to diversify and get off of oil as it’s sole source of revenue. There have been mandates handed down to Iraq to implement before they can or will get back their currency…

7-3-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] We don’t exactly have our notifications happening over the weekend – now we’re looking at this thing changing and we have a moving target – now we’re looking closer at the possibility of being notified …Monday…Monday afternoon…or possibly Tuesday…the more likely start would be on Tuesday… I know…Iraq is ready…there was a question as to whether Iraq would make payroll yesterday – my understanding is that they did everything they needed to do on the 1st…I know that we are positioned now we believe to go forward…this should be releasing for us very soon…

7-3-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Specialists warn of the repercussions of the devaluation of the dinar” They are beating this into peoples heads… They are not going to devalue the currency… End of story. They are going to go to a market economy. That requires Article 8 compliance…imo. Article 8 compliance is to raise the value of the IQD. imo.

7-3-2020 Intel Guru Delta …they can not go international without them increasing the value…not for the sake of it all but because Iraq is in a unique situation and they have to. One of the stipulations put on them long time ago in order for you to go international you must…lift the 3 zeros from your exchange rate the same way they added the three zeros. Now they have to take those three zeros off in order for them to be accepted internationally…

7-3-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Banking contacts still believe we will see it before the end of the day on july 6th. We shall see…no change of rate in Iraq…yet. I do believe we are awfully close and I do not believe we are waiting until November.