Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-4-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-4-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-4-2016 Newshound Guru Millionday Article quote: “…ways of enhancing the national economy through research in fast-action real action toward the multiplicity of economic resources and the dimensions of the national economy for the rentier status that accompanies it for decades…” THEY ARE LOOKING FOR A WAY TO HAVE DISPENSABLE INCOME ON THE STREETS IN THE NATION… BAGHDAD HAS CALLED FOR THE NEW TAXATION TO BE ACTIVATED — SO THEY ARE STATING THAT ALL THE NATION NEEDS TO FOLLOW THESE ORDERS TO SUPPORT THE COUNTRY. THEY ARE CALLING FOR THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO BE ABLE TO GROW AND BE INDEPENDENT BUT ALSO A PARTNER IN THE ECONOMIC REFORM OF THE COUNTRY — ASKING TO GO THROUGH THE BANKS AND THEY LOAN AND BE A PARTNER. OBVIOUSLY SAYING IT IS TIME TO ACTIVATE THE MARKET.

7-4-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Iraq new 500-dinar note with Kurdish reported” The CBI has to continually replace old notes as they wear out, whether they want to or not. If the note is in circulation, they have to take care of it. If they didn’t, citizens would lose even more confidence in the dinar and turn to the dollar. Its all part of monetary policy and do what they can to keep the citizens wanting and using the dinar which keeps demand on the dinar. Upgrading features, specification, etc. is all part of that process. We should not read anything more into this than that.

7-3-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [So, are you saying that it is not postponed?] “delayed” implies someone – somewhere knew of or implies knowing a particular date of execution. There is NO SUCH THING…we are still here and in good position for a profit when Iraq’s currency is re-aligned (with the world). However, I can honestly say – I am not the only researcher WILDLY excited about where we are in this thing right now.

7-3-2016 Newshound Guru Mountainman Article: “Minister of Trade and agency relations with China and the solid volume of trade exchange between the two countries in the rapid development” CHINA and IRAQ both (UNDERSTAND) their Respective Realities and the TIMING as Well…therefore, as The FALL Approaches and NEW LEAVES “Turn” their TRUE COLORS…A New DIGITAL PLATFORM Awaits [ALL] Countries on Sept 2, 2016… So the THEME of (NOW) Implies Other Realities for IRAQ and This “COORDINATION of REHABILITATION”…[WHY]…?

7-3-2016 Newshound Guru Mountainman Because LOANS are Flowing to Them as they Meet Standards of Compliance = Not just the IMF but as We saw A few Days Ago, the USA even is Looking At Extending Payments on “FIGHTER JETS”, Even KUWAIT joined in on the “FUTURE Payment BANDWAGON” etc… IRAQI’S STAND STRONG and UNITED, Your (Needs) P.M. ABADI says will be Met In the COMING DAYS = Your ECONOMIC REFORMS After EID = July 8…Will A NEW RATE be SEEN by Us {ALL}…? Yes, I Believe The CITIZENS will Get (WHAT) was Promised to them From ABADI and the International World = Their PURCHASING POWER..