Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-3-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-3-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-3-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling If the value of their currency is too high regionally…no body is going to want to do business with Iraq because the value of labor is too high. This is how Iraq is going to look at it. They are going to look at that. And they are also going to compare it with them doing business outside of Iraq and they might be able to pull it off. That’s how they’re looking at it. That’s why they haven’t made the decision yet. That’s why they’re taking their time. You guys are in panic mode because you’re waiting for your big payday. You don’t realize how important of a decision this is for Iraq…

7-3-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …They’ve got to be able to balance…how do they be competitive in the region and also take advantage of the International markets? Because if they go too high – regionally they’re going to get cut off. If they go too low they’re not going to be able to pay for the local budget.

7-3-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [What are you sensing about the dong?] …No one has info on the dong right now. …Vietnam has basically gone dark…They don’t want people to know what is happening. But it’s so obvious to me. …there’s been nothing on the dong. It’s been absolute radio silence for close to a month now…but I can feel that it’s going as it’s supposed to go and that it just very suddenly is going to happen with no warning…

7-3-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 From across the pond…All talk today is the plan to cover the salaries for next 3 months at reduced rates so Iraq can pay salaries. Then after 3 months, the new plans and reforms will assist. This indicates no rate change for 3 months going into the new fiscal year just like they talked about this morning and now is on Iraqi TV. (REMEMBER: Watch what they DO… not what they say)

7-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …There is now NO sign from the CBI they are doing any actions for a near future RV for the rest of this year. Sorry! For some time it was looking as though we might have a pretty good chance but that chance was killed this week. Now that the finance committee in conjunction with the CBI has re-issued bonds to cover the 3months beyond July – Sept for the salaries. So the pressure is off and we may have to wait a bit longer to see the reinstatement. Maybe January 2021 is coming back into view? Just saying….

7-2-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [So are we still waiting another 10 days…?] No we are not…In Kuwait we know that they waited that long to announce it…Indonesia has also done it in the past. Those were historic examples. Many RV’s have happened throughout history…Germany, Japan and there are more who made tremendous changes in their currency value. I am not looking for 10 days. In the past you could keep the press quiet but in today’s world with the internet I do not think they can keep it quiet…so we are expecting a shotgun start.

7-2-2020 Intel Guru Delta …There’s two big events…one of them is July 15th which we believe is the last day for Allaq the governor of the CBI should be removed and replaced…Unless the Prime Minister…extends his duties. The other one, we all know, that July 24th the Prime Minister is invited to visit the White House…logic says if this is the case, you will come to the U.S. you have to come up after the fact so they can congratulate you…we do believe that according to around that time period we should see something in our opinion…

7-2-2020 Intel Guru Bruce …This is a tax free exchange – you should not be taxed on any part of this exchange – where you will be taxed is on the “income” – called “passive income” which is earned from the “interest” that is paid on your account – you will create an income stream from your mother lode account that in my case will spill over into a spillover account… [NOTE: Other gurus suggest any money made on dinars will be taxed in the United States as “ordinary income” – several other tax possibilities have floated around the community too. In the tax realm the only opinion that matters is the IRS. So speak with your tax professional and/or IRS at the appropriate time about this and other tax possibilities.]

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The new PM Kazzamie is operating efficiently and effectively. We are going to hear some distractions and criticisms, but he is doing a great job in my opinion.

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy [Quick dinar history overview for newbies] …they dropped the value of the dinar very very low. Right now for one dollar you can buy 1190 Iraqi dinar if you can find them. What people are doing is they’re storing up on them waiting for the currency to be reinstated to its rate of $3.22. There’s people out there that’s been waiting 12, 15, 16 years…some people are frustrated so now they have no faith in them and you’ll hear them talk crap from time to time and say this is a scam. That’s fine everybody has their opinion…the whole purpose of the Iraqi dinar news…is me explaining to you why I think it’s real and in what it is we’re looking for that tells us…its rate is about to be reinstated… we’ve been patiently waiting for the rate to be reinstated and we have reason to believe that’s gonna happen very very soon…

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …They have to raise the exchange rate of the dinar, not the dollar and this is where we are at…they’ve been telling us and telling us and telling us and we’re just waiting and waiting and waiting but the fact remains is now they’re at the precipice. They don’t have money to pay the salaries. They said they were going to do it. …the pressure is so hard on them to get this done it’s probably unbelievable…that’s why I’ve been focused to some degree on these next couple of days to see what they do. Typically they’re gonna have to have an excuse when they don’t pay these people…they need to raise the value of the exchange rate.

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “The Central Bank Announces Financial Assistance with 3-month salary insurance and talks about the date for the June wage payment” …this level of news right now is walking you into September …the rate change is married to a budget so if you follow the movement of the money you can piece this together…we need to see when that budget goes into effect because the budget and the rate change are married together… they’re showing you they’re tentatively walking you into September. I’m not giving you a date I’m just giving you an approximate generic information that they’re bringing fourth – trying to help you decode this and put the puzzle pieces together…

7-2-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still being told by bank contacts, that as frustrating as it is…they are still told that over the next 5 days now, to be prepared and on call to come in at any moment.

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A lot of what has been occurring in the last few weeks has been addressed several times in the past by the World Bank and the IMF. So this is all good news that they are finally taking the steps necessary.

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I have a feeling this is going to be a really big month for us. There’s a lot of things that are popping up that seem to be pointing to this month being a big month. What that means exactly? I’m not sure. There’s a lot of speculation…Al-Kazemi is supposed to come here to meet with Pompeo and the president. I told you one of the biggest announcements that we’re hoping to hear, and they do it out in the rose garden, is that Trump is encouraging the international community to restore the sovereignty of Iraq for them to be recognized and embraced buy the International community. And he announce the lifting of the restrictions on the currency and that allows it to start trading on the Forex. That’s what we’re watching for. That’s what we’re hoping for.

7-2-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the exchange rate is one of the pillars or economic reform. You can not bring investors in, you cannot have liquidity, you can’t have any trust in your country if you don’t raise the value first. And all of us know that…everybody knows that the exchange rate is going to change no matter what and the Prime Minister did agree to that…