Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-29-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-29-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-29-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “He is 19 years old and the most important of 150 suspended laws… Will the powers give up the ‘golden paper’ in oil and gas legislation?” Quote: “The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee expressed, today, Sunday, its ‘optimism’ about the imminent approval of the Oil and Gas Law, which has been suspended for 19 years,”

7-29-2024 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …the CBI very distinctly told us this procedure of the Project to Delete the Zero is NOT a lop…they described what a lop is and how it is used in times to relieve the stress on a currency due to hyperinflation…They are averaging now about a 3-4% inflation rate with the highest of 9% when they did the de-dollarization in 2023. So, the tool of the “lop” does not apply.

7-29-2024 Guest Guru Mike Bara [via Judy Byington] The word I have is that Thursday night 25 July 2024, the US Treasury told Iraq that if they didn’t revalue their currency per the agreements “immediately,” UST would force the issue. Iraq responded that they were holding up because of concerns about some smaller banks that they suspected were doing business with the Iranians. They are determined that no RV funds make their way to Iran, because the two countries are historic enemies. UST responded by seizing the 5 banks, consolidating them into a single, manageable entity, and pushing the RV through. …Sat. 27 July 2024 the Central Bank of Iraq made the announcement regarding this transaction. As far as I know, this is the last hurdle to the revaluation.

7-28-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Planning announces completion of 5-year development plan from current year until 2028″ What does this need? Funding. It needs budget monies…When you see a law of this caliber come forward, because this is the backbone to everything that’s going to happen. This is the development plan for 5 years, that’s waiting for the rate to change… budgets to be approved. This is telling you everything right here…This is your timing indicator to everything….the budget, the rate change, when they’re going to open up to the international world. This tells you the timing to everything you need to know.

7-28-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraq did not follow Kuwait’s revalue path. The Untied States pulled back on financial support for Iraq’s revalue shortly after the invasion was over when they made the decision that were not in alignment with economic growth for Iraq. It’s been 20 years and the currency still has not been revalued…We are learning more about why including issues like the IMF will not support a currency adjustment until the county has more income streams outside the oil industry, implementing banking reform that ties into international banking standards and providing housing for the hundred of thousands of people who have been misplaced due to decades of war, not to mention…corruption.


7-28-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “15 trillion dinars raises controversy in the budget” PARLIAMENT TRIED TO ADD 15 TRILLION DINARS TO THE BUDGET SO THEY CAN STEAL IT… BUT SUDANI STOPPED IT!

7-28-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Community Comment: “If you have the old note with all the zeros on them, the Iraqi bank is obligated to give you the rate that’s on their screen.” They’re not obligated to do crap. Once this change [re-denomination] takes place then it doesn’t make a difference if you have dinar in country or out of country. They have already told the world they’re removing the zeros off of the dinar. So even if you have the old bank notes they already know that a 1,000 dinar is equivalent to 1 new Iraqi dinar. Just because you have it outside of Iraq, you’re not going to get special privileges…They automatically do the conversion for you.

7-28-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “The US Federal Reserve adopts a new strategy towards Iraq” Quote: “The US Federal Reserve will not be able to wait forever…There are federal measures that may occur at any moment.” I think that’s pretty heavy you guys…This is where push comes to shove…There’s clearly pressure happening now with the CBI and the US Treasury…They can’t wait forever, the federal measures that may occur at any moment is a shot across the bow to be ready.

7-28-2024 Newshound Guru Samson “The US Federal Reserve adopts a new strategy towards Iraq.. The dollar is threatened with rising to unprecedented levels”

7-28-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is talking out of both sides of their mouth. From one side they’re saying, nope we have no intention of revaluing. On the other side they’re saying, heck yeah we have full intentions of revaluing…

7-28-2024 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …the Project to Delete the Zeros and the Dr Shabibi plan… was developed by the CBI and the IMF…It is a sound plan and they told they will execute it “when the conditions are right”…the three zero notes are not being obsoleted after the deadline in Iraq is over to turn them in…These notes will be used for “interbanking of international transactions” …where large sums of cash must be transferred…The CBI told us this many times in articles…the CBI did tell us there will “probably” be at least a 10 year use of these notes by the banks for this purpose. Yes, eventually these notes will become obsoleted but we will be way out of this and exchanged by then.