Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-25-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-25-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-25-2018 Intel Guru Bruce The IMF has been giving Iraq funds/loans for months now…Finally yesterday [Monday]… President Trump made a call to the IMF and told them not to do any more loans or funds to Iraq. They need to get off the snide and go ahead and RV their currency officially not just in Iraq, not just on their Qi cards. Go ahead and do it so that it is put out an announcement with the rate and then they will not need IMF funds anymore. …However, the IMF is holding an amount for Iraq over $5Billion dollars that is gaining interest in the $4 million plus range a day range now, but they are not going to get it until after they revalue or announce the revaluation.

7-25-2018 Intel Guru Bruce …What I am saying is we are in a window of opportunity now having the IMF put on notice to no longer give Iraq any loans or funds until after they make the announcement. What is the timing looking like? The timing is looking good for a morning announcement in Iraq which would be a late announcement tonight because Wednesday is the day Iraq normally publishes the Gazette. …That very well may be their plan. They have been cut off. Get this thing done..

7-25-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: “UNHCR: Completion of counting and sorting the results of Najaf” One recent news report says ” early August ” for completion of the election vote manual recount. Then we await Judicial ratification.

7-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat UPDATE ON THE ONGOING ELECTION SAGA…Former MP Zana Said he expected the completion of all procedures related to manual recounting of Iraq’s parliamentary elections’ votes by mid next month (mid August). …The Electoral Commission of the judges, announced on Sunday, the start of the scientific counting and sorting in Babil province which they have not yet told us is complete. So that now makes 16 completed and 1 in process. More than double from the original 7 provinces they had legitimate filed complaints of voter fraud. So, the only conclusion a sound and reasonable person should make is they are added provinces at will to stall as long as they can. This is their game.

7-24-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: “Expectations to declare the results of manual counting early next August” Completion of the manual recount does not necessarily equate to ratification by the court. Any appeals must be ruled upon following the recount before ratification by the Court and then the Constitutional timeline(s) begin regarding formation of a new government.

7-24-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [via Sampson] Article: “An official source : stop the program of credit readiness between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund” Quote: “An official source in the Iraqi government, stop the program of credit readiness signed by Iraq and the International Monetary Fund in 2015 until the formation of the next government” …this article means that the IMF is stopping all funding to Iraq which means they will have to raise their rate and stop the auctions.

7-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “An official source for «Economy News»: stop the program of credit readiness between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund” Quote: “An official source in the Iraqi government, stop the program of credit readiness signed by Iraq and the International Monetary Fund in 2015 until the formation of the next government.” Looks like to me, the IMF isn’t impressed with this delay business either. They are putting a hold on things until they get the new government formed. Hmmmm?!?

7-24-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: “Comprehensive economic reform and the involvement of the private sector in the next government is the solution to the problems of Iraq…22nd July, 2018 by Samir Nusairi” Our friend Mr. N. Says some currency speculators had a plan to manipulate the exchange rate to their own advantage…By publishing fake news .. Making disparaging remarks about the CBI’s work to steady the exchange rate…keeping the 2% compliance, following IMF/UST guidelines…And even exploiting the demonstrations by saying the rate would tumble in all the chaos…But it seems the good guys have a handle on things…

7-24-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Articles: “Kurdistan and America agree to further strengthen the relationship” “Revealing the reasons for the visit of the Saudi delegation to Kurdistan: include a future step” “The Iraqi Trade Bank announces the opening of a branch in Saudi Arabia” These articles are interestingly enough related to deals, contracts, movement of capital. The stage is being set for what is to come to Iraq that has already been in the pipelines…WE know …pressure to seat the GOV and…where the Kurds are gearing for t meet for that purpose in Baghdad if I recall that correctly in the very short term, as the pressure by the IMF is quite clear now…The articles supporting calm in the streets is being seen, talk of significant amounts of money for projects from the MOF and approved by Abadi being implemented…So, all this being part of the bigger picture, sure looks good ~ imo… Nothing suggests to me we are in a time frame where progress is not fully underway for the main event…