Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-24-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-24-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-24-2024 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Again, I have to ask as to why the reinstatement has not already occurred, if no other rate on FOREX than to reflect the assets of the oil rentier economy already established and ongoing as we know it prior to 1990. Prior to 1990, the rate of the dinar was hovering around $3.22. So why are they still artificially suppressing the rate now? Now, it’s 1/6 of a penny? The war has been over for 21 years, all of Chapter VII sanctions are lifted a year and a half ago, Iraq is producing 1/3 more oil than in 1990, their monetary reserves are the highest in history, up to 150 tons of GOLD and many more other marketable assets are now in motion…

7-24-2024 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Oh…did I mention de-dollarization and all the banking and anti-corruption measures already put in place…I believe it is this “all or nothing” attitude that is holding back Iraq as it needs its currency back online now. This is especially true for attracting foreign investors… my CBI contact told me…why the Project to Delete the Zeros is stalled. I will not get into details of these reasons…as I feel we must just buckle down and wait for this Biden administration to end, at least the part that is controlling the US Treasury and pretending to work with Iraq…the RV happening while the democrats are in power is slim to none! I have strong knowledge from my CBI contact this is what has been holding up the RV. The US Treasury will NOT release it…

7-24-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I very much think they [Iraq] have done everything they needed to do…I am still hearing July is very much still in play.

7-24-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 The direction that the monetary reform is going is in the direction to add value and introduce new lower denoms and to change the exchange rate and then to float. That’s the step we’re in. We’re not in a step where we need to pass laws. We’re not in a step where we need permission from anybody over there, over here, over there – United Nations Security Council, the Untied States Treasury, nobody. We’re at the point where Neil Armstrong is just about to put that right foot on the moon.

7-23-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “US delegation confirms to Finance Minister: We are ready to support Iraq in achieving economic development”

7-23-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “A high-ranking security delegation arrives in Washington to hold a round of talks to end the coalition’s mission”

7-23-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] What we know for a fact from folks on both the US side and the Iraqi side…is that there are very “top secret” meetings occurring right now in Wash D.C. with Iraqi folks about the removal of US troops and security units in Iraq. This is one of the key things we were told to watch and it is occurring right now in D.C.

7-23-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Is Chase…Wells Fargo, or any bank going to exchange your dinars into dollars? Ain’t no bank going to exchange your dinars into dollars. Ain’t no bank got that kind of money. Chase will introduce you to JP Morgan…JP Morgan is going to take your dinars and they’re going to send them to the US Treasury. They’re going to give you the equivalent of what you should receive in American dollars into your account.

7-23-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram You don’t want to pay rent, you don’t want to pay mortgage, house note, new car, sports car, insurance, vacations, all of those things that we all want to do once we come into money. No no no no no. [Keep working.] You invest your initial profit. When the investments create income for you then you go and do all those wonderful things…

7-23-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff The budget is not posted in the Gazette. The budget hasn’t been implemented because it’s unconstitutional…

7-23-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am…hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck” and seems to be moving much quicker now that the current administration is no longer delaying things . They are too preoccupied to keep slowing and stopping things right now.

7-23-2024 Guest Guru Margarita Article Quote: “The World Trade Organization usually intervenes in the exchange rate policy when the concerned country deliberately keeps the value of its local currency low in order to improve the competitiveness of local production and encourage exports at the expense of foreign goods,” WOW!…the wto DOES USUALLY interfere in the exchange rate policy…

7-23-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The World Trade Organization opens its doors to it.. The Iraqi economy returns strongly to international competition” Quote: “The World Trade Organization has accelerated Iraq’s steps to join it, following the resumption of negotiations that had been suspended for more than 16 years. The Iraqi delegation is preparing for the next round of negotiations that are expected to resolve this issue, which will open up global trade horizons for Iraq and return it to strong economic competition, in the region and the world, under a multilateral economic system.”

7-23-2024 Newshound Guru Samson “Washington hosts today the joint security dialogue between Iraq and America”

7-23-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
My bank guy did say dropping the zeros does not change the value. FRANK: He’s right. Because it’s going to be 1 to 1 with the American dollar. It doesn’t effect it inside. It will effect it outside. No it will not change it. When it floats it will change it. FIREFLY: Poor countries with terrible inflation, they drop [zeros] in order to lop. We are not like that. We drop to add value. It’s all inflation based.

7-23-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FRANK: Yes, you drop to add value inside of your country…They wanted to be at least 1 to 1 with the American dollar in order to add this value to your currency. That’s why he means that dropping the zeros won’t add value to your currency…Then your currency will float on the International market and the value of your currency goes up outside your country as well. Inside, it will go from 1320 to at least 1 American dollar in order to add value which is purchasing power…If it was a lop they would be adding zeros.

7-23-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know of a lot of banks with meetings…Are they preparing for a banking crash? Are they preparing for a Re-valuation? What are they preparing for? I don’t think it’s a banking crash because they keep opening up wealth management offices? To me it makes more sense that they are preparing for a revaluation.