Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-22-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-22-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-22-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Question: …We would get people who would ask us about cashing out and what the next stage is and what should we do? We don’t speculate on that…but what I can tell you is we are not going to abandon ship when and if the dinar starts to go up in value and a mechanism is in place for people to cash outor deposit their dinars into an account…it will occur and be news to all of us and we’ll all learn together. You’re not going to have to get up at 6am and go stand in line at a bank. It’s not gonna happen like that. We’ll all learn together. Just like in the past when we talked about this investment we’ll present whatever information that comes forward…

7-21-2019 Newshound Guru Larrykn Lots of news out there lately and I’m not one to do any type of predicting and won’t but I think the news coming out of the CBI is good for us, sooner or later Iraq will have to do something and when they do we will be real happy . Until then we wait and see. Some people say not this year and they might be right but then I feel Iraq is behind the steering wheel and will control when all this takes place, [Guru] Kap posted about Iraq GDP being over 8 % next year , wow that is impressive if they do it. But I wouldn’t sell the house of that until we see what they really do. Time will tell.

7-21-2019 Newshound Guru Enorrste Question: 8.1% – would that translate to very much inflationary pressure? There is no direct connection between the rate of growth of the GDP in Iraq and the value of the dinar. The dinar is currently fixed in value. If however the Gross Domestic Product of Iraq triples next year from the current 3% or whatever it is to 8.1% that is enormous economic growth. Take America, Under Obama we never got above 2%. Trump got us to 3.3% and we have the hugest economy in the world in two years…and it’s only 3.3% so if Iraq goes from 3% to 8% in 7 to 10 months or all of next year which is 18 months that is truly phenomenal growth.

7-21-2019 Newshound Guru Enorrste …It’s like what happened in China when we allowed them into the WTO. They went up to 12% growth. That’s how China became a threat to us. We made that happen. Anyway, if they [Iraq] go to that point the pressure on the dinar’s value which is currently fixed would be enormous and they would be foolish not to let it float to reduce the inflationary pressure…there is no direct connection between 8.1% and how much money we’re going to make. But I can say this, if they go to a float and if they get to 8.1% you’re going to make a lot of money. A lot of money. That’s all I can say.