Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-2-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-2-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …they’re worried about regionally having a currency that’s valued too high. The pressure cooker they’re in is that they need to add value to their currency otherwise they’re going to go broke. If they add too much value to their currency they are going to go broke. That’s just the reality. But what people don’t understand is that other countries are in the same position…Iraq basically told everybody they want to get the value of their currency to $3.25. [Wait a minute, you just said if their currency is too high in that region they are going to get their asses handed to them.] That’s true. But if their currency was a global currency, then it wouldn’t matter would it…

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …Take for example the United States and Mexico. How much is their peso worth. Look at Canada…If Iraq is international they could have a huge high price. But if they’re going to be local for right now, regional, then they can’t go that high…Let’s say their markets are going to be regional and they do add value to their currency it helps them get to international markets. Well if they’re in international markets and it becomes more and more dependent on international markets you’re going to see the value of the currency keep going up…If it’s regional…they’re never going to get past a buck..

7-2-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the exchange rate is one of the pillars or economic reform. You can not bring investors in, you cannot have liquidity, you can’t have any trust in your country if you don’t raise the value first. And all of us know that…everybody knows that the exchange rate is going to change no matter what and the Prime Minister did agree to that…

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I have a feeling this is going to be a really big month for us. There’s a lot of things that are popping up that seem to be pointing to this month being a big month. What that means exactly? I’m not sure. There’s a lot of speculation…Al-Kazemi is supposed to come here to meet with Pompeo and the president. I told you one of the biggest announcements that we’re hoping to hear, and they do it out in the rose garden, is that Trump is encouraging the international community to restore the sovereignty of Iraq for them to be recognized and embraced buy the International community. And he announce the lifting of the restrictions on the currency and that allows it to start trading on the Forex. That’s what we’re watching for. That’s what we’re hoping for.

7-2-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still being told by bank contacts, that as frustrating as it is…they are still told that over the next 5 days now, to be prepared and on call to come in at any moment.

7-2-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A lot of what has been occurring in the last few weeks has been addressed several times in the past by the World Bank and the IMF. So this is all good news that they are finally taking the steps necessary.

7-1-2020 Guest Guru Petra …all the effort. All the work. All the development. All the mechanisms. Everything that’s been done. Everything that we await. Can it be done without a change in the rate? It can’t. Everything we’re talking about here is critical…Every single thing we’ve been talking about the last several weeks must have a rate change for it to be engaged…it’s a time bomb and it’s ticking down…

7-1-2020 Intel Guru Footforward I realize it’s July 1st. The RV still hasn’t manifested in the natural yet. I’m not upset or discouraged. At all. I still believe we are in the timeline. That’s my opinion. Right now, things with the dinar, are going how they are supposed to go. We aren’t off course…we are right where we are supposed to be…

7-1-2020 Intel Guru Bruce …I’ve had times before – I’ve probably put them out many times…before – so what makes this different? What really makes it different is the position that the whole system is in to begin to release…We are up against some kind of time line here – whereby we should get started… What about the rate changes? There have been some rates that have changed – we’ve heard about them from Forex people that they’re seeing Dinar and Dong in really good rates on the forex…What my understanding is…we’re going to get this party started…

7-1-2020 Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] …the meeting they had between the CBI and the Fab 4 they were discussing on how to make the IQD equal to the value of the USD. What is the value of the USD? About $1.19. So the USD is actually more than 1 dollar…that’s the reason why they’re not going to introduce fractional banking at the beginning and they’re going to round it off to one to one. Their goal now is they are going to put the IQD on par with the USD. That’s 1 to 1…the float will come in later…

7-1-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the intricacies of what can happen are complex. We’ve taken you to the point of where it’s at now. It’s coming up to on par 1 to 1 with the American dollar. They say so. What happens after that? …You think it’s been difficult up to this point? Just sitting having to wait? That’s all you had to do…it’s gonna get even harder now. For you to keep this money when you don’t even know how to deal with money – good luck…don’t you ever let your dinars out of your sight. Never.

7-1-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Looks like the dinar rate is in review. Article: “The National Business Council calls for a review of the exchange rate based on the impact of the oil price decline”. I told you I seen some minutes between the IMF with the Central Bank of Iraq…the Government of Iraq wanted their exchange rate reinstated at $3.22…the IMF along with the Central Bank of Iraq was saying no that would be too big of a shock to the economy and they wanted something around $1.13 to $1.34. The reason is they wanted a sweet spot. They wanted it to be high enough where they had more purchasing power but they wanted it low enough where they could be competitive against other countries importing and exporting…I thought that’s what the rate would be…nonetheless it looks like it’s going to be reviewed. This looks like what we were hoping for…

7-1-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana These Weekly updates are getting more and more fun for me, because Iraq is moving faster and faster. The proof is coming daily, hourly…we are looking at an HCL move soon, and that’s about all we need right now! Article quote: “this week or next week may witness the return of the Kurdish delegation to Baghdad again in order to complete negotiations and dialogues with a view to resolving all outstanding contentious issues between the two sides,” noting that “the two sides are still working to solve the oil and customs issue and Kurdistan’s share of the federal budget.” That doesn’t say “HCL tomorrow, RV by Friday”… but it’s pretty darn close! …hang tight…we are closing in… Go Iraq, go HCL, GO RV!!!

7-1-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ What I received from bankers is nobody received dollars or were able to keep their appointments last night…they are being told it will now roll out over the next 6 days. They are being told to stay on call and could be called at any moment over the next 6 days…there is a lot of activity. I have always said that none of us know the exact timing, nor are we supposed to for security reasons. I still believe we are very close. The next 6 days could absolutely see it. I am keeping my phone close.

7-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …they don’t have any money…But they can get their money if they do what? If they raise the value of the currency…