Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-17-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-17-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The global currency reset is a bunch of garbage as it is explained on the internet. There is a ‘reset’ occurring and it does deal with currency but I certainly wouldn’t call it a global currency reset. I like QSF much better. The Iraqi dinar is heavily involved in this. ‘Do you think it’s involved at at 1450-60 program rate? Of course not…

7-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Have we ever been in this position before?] No we have never been in this position before…we have never seen this progress before…

7-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy There are no 800#s. You’re not going to get an email. The only email you’ll get is that somebody that’s within your group gets the announcement when it actually really happens and they send an email out to everybody saying, ‘Hey it’s happening!’ But you’re not special. You’re not going to get any kind of special email. There’s no 800 numbers for you to call as a matter of fact go away from those people who say that. The reason is I don’t feel comfortable with somebody saying, ‘hey call this 800#!’…they steal your dinar and they take it…

7-16-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Friday Evening RV Report: Our military intel contact cannot say too much for security reasons because the T4B start is so close, but what he can say is (1) Just 24 hours ago Value Day [which is correlated with T4B start] was still set for today Fri 16 July or Sat 17 July at the latest so BE READY, as bankers are still being told, the T4B start is “IMMINENT, ANY MOMENT”; (2) There is a lot of misinfo/disinfo out there about timing of the T4B start…So our guy repeated, BE READY FOR THE START NOW and not necessarily in a few days…be ready for any moment start of T4B from now forward.

7-16-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Comment: ‘If there’s advanced notice announcement then investors would come out of the rafters to buy up all the remaining dinar.’ That’s exactly it. That’s why you’re never going to find that magic article…if anything when…they start to add value to it you’re probably going to get the most negative articles you’ve seen. Every country that’s ever added value to their currency, that’s exactly what they did…

7-16-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …there is activity going on behind the scenes…enough has been completed where I believe we can move forward with tier 4 exchanges…we’ve got a value date scheduled for tomorrow [Friday] whereby we are supposed to be notified in our tier 4 A&B group…or “maybe” it’s another 2-3 days and we’re looking at early next week – Monday/Tuesday…I believe we are on sort of a moment by moment basis…

7-16-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy If they [people on the Internet] start giving you a date or a rate, run the opposite way. You understand how illegal that is…for them to be going on the youtube and announcing it? They’re idiots. That would be a clear violation of our federal exchange commission laws. It would be like insider trading…If they tell you that the currency exchange rate is happening in country, that’s a lie. That makes absolutely no sense…there is no exchange rate in country without one out of country. They do it at the same time.

7-16-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Very little news overnight as expected…I am still of a mind that we could be at “any moment”…That is certainly the chatter I am hearing from all my banking sources. They will not give me any details …just that things are “imminent”. They have been doing a good job at being quiet.

7-16-2021 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 They are telling the citizens and they are explaining to the citizens the why’s and how’s of the new exchange rate and the why’s and the how’s of the 3 zeros that must be lifted in order to bring a change to their currency for their economic reforms now…the last 4 weeks of articles have been on the exchange rate, the lifting of the 3 zeros, the managed float and the pros and cons of all of these they are talking about…