Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-13-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-13-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-13-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Remember that we know that everything from the CBI standpoint if already completed and all they need is a “suitable environment” to continue with the “project to delete the zeros”. They told us there was FRAUD and MANIPULATION that prevented the project from moving forward. We know this is in dealing with the currency auctions and involved almost 1/3 of the parliament members and their banking and money laundering schemes. So it seems logical that if we want to know where the CBI now stands on the RV, why not look at what is going on to rectify these issues. …Many of these culprits will lose their immunity and thus can be served their arrest warrant on charges of corruption, but only after the election.

7-13-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The election ends when the votes are ratified. The votes will not be ratified until after the re-counting of the ballots in suspected fraudulent polling stations throughout Iraq. So they just told us that on Thursday [7-2-2018] they will begin the last 2 remaining provinces. This is what we wait for. I truly believe that when this is finally all sorted out and they are done making a public spectacle of his recounting show for all to see that democracy is working in Iraq, that the CBI will act upon the project to delete the zeros and bring this to conclusion. Tick Tock, Tick Tock we are on a clock!


7-13-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [What do you think is holding up the HCL?] HCL at this time – it’s completely political. Everything I discussed…is directly related to the delay on the HCL, and that’s coming to an end quickly. [reference Adam Montana post 7-12-2018 below] I’m excited to see this chapter conclude and see some HCL news in the coming weeks. Can’t be far off now!

7-12-2018 Intel Guru Ghost [Lieutenant Colonel – 4 tours of Iraq] I got a piece of information today, that I’ve been told, could still be rumor IMO, but I believe President Trump will be in Iraq on Friday. My strongest opinion, I think Trump will be in that entourage. Pompeo is already over in the ME, right now and I think he’s going to be part of it as well as our President. And I think Donald Trump is trying to put this together for all of us. To make sure we are protected in it and secure and he wants to make America wealthy again and I think this is part of it. …My opinion. That’s what I believe.

7-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article “The state of law reveals the fact that it presented “concessions to Barzani” to collect a third term for the owners” Quote: “Revealed a coalition of state law, led by Nuri al-Maliki, on Tuesday (July 10, 2018), the fact that he made concessions to the President of the Kurdistan region of former Massoud Barzani, during the visit to Erbil, last Saturday.” This is an interesting article. My take? The Maliki spin machine is in OVER-DRIVE these days. This time leading up to the final announcement of the Iraqi GOI is the whole game.

7-12-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Compression of time. They are moving extremely fast. WS [Guru Walkingstick] told me, “we are on the cusp of of this happening”.

7-12-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We know Abadi has been officially welcomed as Prime Minister of Iraq again. It was a little bit of back and forth on that, but we knew that he was going to be the Prime Minister and it is official. Has the rate been put out publicly? May be not yet. I don’t think we are going to see a public rate on the dinar until we go and start. It is already on the screens.