Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-12-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-12-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-12-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There are so many things that I want to go over right now I barely know where to start! …There are changes coming in the tax codes (for multiple countries), there are political situations that are extremely relevant and telling, and so much more is happening all at once right now! …The “basics” are simple, and that’s all anyone really needs to be able to sit back and wait. Iraq previously held one of the highest valued currencies in the world, and one day they will again. Although their country was knocked into the stone ages through a series of events that are now somewhat ancient history, Iraq still holds a majority of the black gold available on this planet. While the world runs on this stuff, and it will continue to do so, Iraq continues to hold an immensely powerful position. They suffered some extreme setbacks, but they did not lose their oil. This is a no-brainer to me – the value of Iraq’s currency will rise again.

7-12-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …The main holdup has been political. When Saddam was removed, the entire government basically collapsed, and the world lost faith in Iraq’s ability to do… anything…The current situation is entirely different than the situation that dropped the value of the Dinar. In fact, the current situation is entirely different than that of Iraq even 5 years ago! We currently have a Prime Minister in place who is finally doing all the right things. I have affectionately named him “Kazzamie” because the progress he’s made seems like a magic trick at times! …The next crucial step to this journey, and this is a fundamental part of it, is the HCL. “HCL”, or “Hydro Carbon Law”, is the agreement necessary to furthering Iraq’s regaining of wealth. Without the HCL in place, there is no financial agreement within Iraq, and it is more beneficial to the politicians to keep the rate low. Once the HCL is in place, it will be more beneficial to have a higher rate… and we are seeing a LOT of promising news on HCL right now…

7-12-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni … securing the ports reduces corruption and gets rid of the Iranian influence currently using the border to smuggle dollars to Iran.

7-11-2020 Intel Guru Delta Article: “Al-Kazemi: The time to waste money has gone nowhere and today is launching a new phase” Quote: “…we will proceed to restore the prestige of the state and the law, and it is an opportunity to start for the future.” LIKE I SAID FAMILY…THEY STARTED PORT CONTROL …MORE GOOD THINGS ARE COMING …

7-11-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Shabs is a smart guy. He’s said many times that the IQD could increase, but a $16 price tag is just silly. I’m still (mostly) on the ten cent train. I can see a flat dollar. I’ll agree that even the RI rate of $3.26 is possible. But $16… I just can’t see Shabs saying that.

7-11-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “I present my currency at exchange, am I going to get current US dollars or the new U.S. currency?” The new U.S. currency isn’t out yet so I guess you’re not going to them them, right. Second of all, you’re not gonna get any currency unless you really specially ask for it. They might give you up to about $5,000 dollars in cash but the rest of it’ll all be electronic. That’s how this major exchange is going to happen. Mainly electronic. There isn’t that amount of physical cash to satisfy everybody. It’s all going to be electronic mainly…

7-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …so far it’s been a consistent stream of very good news…unlike, remember this time last year we were all pumped up and then all of a sudden towards August…everything just blew up in our faces. We are closely excitedly watching what’s going on in Iraq…there are a couple things I’m looking to happen before our boy Al-Kazemi makes his way over yonder here to hang out with Trump. One of them is the agreement between the Kurdistan region and Baghdad…It feels like they’re very very close. That’s what I’m hoping for because it plays a big part in what I think is going to happen…It’s really important…my vision is to see Trump come out and then introduce Al-Kazemi to the world while at the same time encouraging the international community to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq while removing the restrictions off their currency…let’s put out some good mojo to make this happen…

7-11-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …in DC in 2012 and Dr Shabibi was asked question…what could the Iraqi Dinar support…What would the dinar be worth in US dollars after the revaluation – Dr Shabibi answered his question something to the effect – the Dinar will be able to support a rate of at least $16.00…I remember the question – and I remember Dr Shabibi answering that and I thought WOW – because when we first started we thought man – if this could get to $2 or $3 or back to what the Dinar was worth before it was questioned value which I think was $3.96 something – I thought man that’s going to be awesome – This was 15 years ago – when we looked into it all – almost 16 yrs now…So I was telling you this to let you know that maybe what Dr Shabibi spoke was prophetic…