Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-4-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …there’s two things they got to do for the rate change. – 7 ministers of the cabinet. – Complete that agreement with Kurdistan and sign off on it. They’re most likely to complete those the same week. The reason why they didn’t do it today, it’s real simple. It’s because they have a rate change date already set and scheduled. It’s done…the last remaining items they’re theoretically the linchpin for the rate change. What they’re going to do is finish these items in closer proximity to the timing of the rate change…when you see these items they are confirmation that the rate change is about to happen…you’re right on the edge of the rate change. This rate change is not going into July. It’s happening in the second half of June. The date is right in front of your eyes.

6-4-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Iraq also said yesterday they were going to not float the new rate. that would manage it.] that is how I understand it. Managed and not float. Fixed to an asset standard. That is a good indicator for us.

6-4-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …After a series of unsuccessful attempts at appointing a Prime Minister, Kazemi (RV Kazammy!!!) is approaching only two short months in office, but he’s seriously kicking butt! We don’t have an HCL agreement (yet), so we don’t have an RV. But we are getting close. Kazammi is possibly the first political figure in a position to have a real chance at getting the HCL to pass. One of the reasons is stated on Wikipedia fairly well: Quote: “Al-Kadhimi was a vocal opponent to the dictatorship of the Saddam Hussein regime.[3] He left Iraq in 1985 to Iran then Germany and settled in United Kingdom and lived in exile for several years, yet is not affiliated with any of the Iraqi political parties.” The HCL is a VERY polarized topic. In order for it to come together, a couple of opposing parties have to agree on it… and a neutral party as mediator is the best way to go. That’s our guy Kazzami!

6-3-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …there are a lot of reason to be excited about this month…I’m noticing that the other so-called gurus some of them are already making excuses saying…it’s the riots. It’s just gonna be one excuse after another. Someone asked me, ‘do you think all these things are happening to prevent the exchange from changing?’ I don’t think one has to do with the other. But if I was Trump and I wanted to quickly squash all the rioting and get everybody happy again – make the rate change happen. That would definitely be a distraction from everything that’s going on. We are in June now. We are in the summer months. We’re going into the second half of the year. Trump promised us a good third quarter and even more explosive fourth quarter and a better 2021. We’re all expecting the same thing and that is to see a rate change…

6-3-2020 Guest Guru Petra …clearly to me there is a change going on in the process with the Iraqi dinar…it’s all culminating to what we’re seeing right now and that is the imminent change of the Iraqi Dinar. To me it’s very clear.

6-3-2020 Intel Guru Bruce …I don’t think this is going to go on for too long…it’s close and we should be there either Wednesday/Thursday…Yesterday we had the green light from the IMF…Now – if we get that so called green light – from that final agency – then we should be good to go – either tomorrow [Wednesday] or Thursday – Obviously the best day that we could go would be on a Wednesday – that is the day Kuwait revalued – back in the 90’s – and we think that would be the best and I think the Iraqi’s would like to see it happen on Wednesday as well… we don’t have a start time on it – we have a “tentative” start time over the next couple of days – depending upon the full blown release of security to begin… IMF is ready to go – other institutions ready – we are now on as of …1st of June completely on the Quantum financial system – away from the Swift System – it’s all good…

6-3-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still hearing that tonight is still the expectation from the banking and government side…I still feel there is not enough safety…I hope the government and banking sources are right and I am wrong. [So is this the week?] if you listen to my banking and government sources they swear this is the week. Even my Iraq contacts believe this is the week…they are printing Lower denominations and educating the people…while they get rid of auctions… Keep in mind that literally the morning before they revalued – Kuwait told us it would be years before they could revalue…

6-3-2020 Intel Guru Delta …this is what the media is telling everybody in Iraq right now…they’re about to come out with a new exchange rates…they’re going to implement the financial reforms and currency reforms and they’re going to change the exchange rate of the IQD…it doesn’t get more crystal clear than this…

6-3-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …Iraq is so on the edge of adding value to their currency. I’m waiting for more information coming in

6-3-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I can’t help but be impressed with the speed and due diligence of al-Kazemi. He’s really doing what he needs to do to make sure that Iraq is becoming stable and preparing for the future. It’s really impressive… What happens in the middle of this month? Yes that’s right the big meeting is going to take place therefor we must have all our ducks in a row and I absolutely feel positive that the cabinet will be completed before Americans show up…not only is he filling his cabinet but he’s passing laws. This guy is unbelievable!

6-3-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The government is preparing to issue a new reform package mid this week” Wednesday there is to be meetings on the Laws needed for many things that include Laws for Monetary Reforms. I suspect that since they have been talking about the 2019 FMLA and the secondary markets it will be a day to watch close. …the reforms need the international rate to be applied to the currency to facilitate the ability for the IQD and the ISX to interlink internationally..

6-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …we told you there would be a trickling of information down to the citizens. They’re talking to the citizens on television about the exchange rate. Adding value to their currency…information is flowing very rapidly right now ladies and gentlemen. I mean it’s just as obvious as can be…