Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-30-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-30-2020
6-30-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …There’s two options on the table. To withdraw from the reserve or to add value to the currency. That’s the main debate going on. So some of these guys in parliament are are like, ‘let me get this straight, so if it’s not $66 per barrel [oil] we’re getting our asses kicked financially domestically inside of Iraq. But if we add value to our currency not only do we get to keep our reserve but if we get it high enough we can pay all of our salaries? There’s actually a debate on whether we are going to use our reserve or add value to our currency?’ That’s how ridiculous it is…
6-30-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ About Zim exchanges…there is a lot of mis-information being put out on purpose. There is a lot of intel people being fed mis-information. I am not worried about the Zim…. I believe its real. I have 2 big attorney’s who tell me it’s still very real… Do not listen to the people who say it isn’t…do not turn into Chicken Little and run around thinking the sky is falling. There are people being paid to give false information out…that is a fact.
6-30-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …the reason the rate hasn’t changed is because the U.S. is requiring them to have stability. The stability for Iraq means them being able to work together and getting things done together. Since the beginning of last year they have not been able to form a government revealing to the world that they’re not able to work together. Right now they still have to finish what’s IMO the two items…the rate change is waiting on – would be these “special grades”. The independent bodies is for the formation of the government. One of these as an example would be the Central Bank Governor. That’s why his proxy term is only right now valid through July 15th. That’s when he’s out. The other item is the oil/budget numbers agreement between Kurdistan and Baghdad…both are now very close to being done within the next two weeks…
6-29-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot of positioning over the weekend…There was a lot of paperwork updated over the weekend… I cannot find anybody with actual dollars yet though. But they are being told it will be this week. There is a lot of really good chatter right now. There are many appointments set for tomorrow now. Iraqi connections are still very hopeful they will see a new rate by Wednesday. There is a great deal of mis-information right now being purposely sown to everyone…makes us think we are very close.
6-29-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …what’s the definition of a “white paper”? There’s absolutely nothing official about it at all. I’ve written many of them. I’ve coached individual on how to put them together…There’s absolutely nothing official about it at all…having said that…we are there…because things have changed…we are in an even better spot even with oil prices going up…I can’t stress enough about the position you are in. It’s a very very good spot…
6-29-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: “…The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Ismail, instructed to bear the costs of the Zakaria citizen’s operation within the Tamkeen initiative sponsored by the Iraqi Central Bank and Iraqi banks.” Get ready folks.. This is all about going international and bringing in the PRIVATE SECTOR! OH YA!!! …WOW…
6-29-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce Iraq is finally ready to be DONE! The US and the IMF wanted them to get the borrowing law ready. The articles coming out have also been saying that this is done. It appears that Iraq has now done what everyone wanted done, and there is nothing left to be done. Except. . .The Rate. The date. …With the Covid out there, there might be a few extra challenges in the exchange process, so be sure and call your bank, make an appointment, and ask them what their requirements are for coming in. All of the major banks will exchange for us, but it might take a bit of extra planning. Just stay calm. Be polite. Breathe…Do not give your dinar to anyone except a bank. Get professional advice…It has been a journey none of us ever expected, but we should all be grateful to have been included in it. Check every day to see if it has changed.