Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-3-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-3-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …we told you there would be a trickling of information down to the citizens. They’re talking to the citizens on television about the exchange rate. Adding value to their currency…information is flowing very rapidly right now ladies and gentlemen. I mean it’s just as obvious as can be…

6-3-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The government is preparing to issue a new reform package mid this week” Wednesday there is to be meetings on the Laws needed for many things that include Laws for Monetary Reforms. I suspect that since they have been talking about the 2019 FMLA and the secondary markets it will be a day to watch close. …the reforms need the international rate to be applied to the currency to facilitate the ability for the IQD and the ISX to interlink internationally…

6-3-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I can’t help but be impressed with the speed and due diligence of al-Kazemi. He’s really doing what he needs to do to make sure that Iraq is becoming stable and preparing for the future. It’s really impressive… What happens in the middle of this month? Yes that’s right the big meeting is going to take place therefor we must have all our ducks in a row and I absolutely feel positive that the cabinet will be completed before Americans show up…not only is he filling his cabinet but he’s passing laws. This guy is unbelievable!

6-2-2020 Guest Guru Petra …Fantastic news. Its coming together in a culmination of education. The fact that they’re under curfew and then what do they [Iraqi citizens] do? They sit and watch TV. What else are they gonna do? And they hear a presentation like that informing them on what’s coming [Reference Guru Delta’s Post 6-2-2020]. It’s all part of the process. It’s all part of the fact that they’re kind of forcing education on them. I still think they need some time to ask questions and to go in and do their exchanging if they wanted with the new smaller category notes when those come out. I think all this information is great…

6-2-2020 Intel Guru Delta …everybody knows I watch…the Iraqi channel. I speak the language. That’s old news for you…there was this information coming up from Iraq channels and the Central Bank of Iraq they’re coming out with new rates and the new rate is going to be…managed, not float. Then last night one of the financial committee of the parliament…he had an hour and half interview with one of the major Iraqi channels…it is just amazing…he mentions…that they’re going to change the exchange rate. I know some of you might ask, ‘Did they say that on live TV?’ Of course they said that. There’s no secret anymore that they need to change that…this is unbelievable!…I’m not exaggerating. No.

6-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Political movement to choose a foreign minister before the strategic dialogue with Washington” Quote: “Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi wants to complete the vacant ministries as soon as possible, indicating that the delay is due to deep differences between the political blocs” There you go… The pressure is on and and big time. The 10th is not far off. imo They need time for the minister to see the files that they will discuss at the SFA meeting… More good stuff for us… imo…

6-2-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am still hearing from the CBI that they fully intend to complete the project to delete the zeros and do it much sooner than later. But I have no official article or announcements yet from the CBI in this regard. I was told we should see some announcement soon of the progress and what they intend to do next. We still wait for this from the CBI. It is supposed to come out this week.

6-2-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] What I am hearing is Reno banking contacts swear that things are indeed moving…and that we will see the fruition by tomorrow night midnight their time. I am still not seeing enough disclosure in my book…but I hope they are correct. Government sources are saying Wednesday is the “go” . I hope they are correct and the banking side is right. My Iraqi sources…i have 3 on the ground…have great chatter…they are looking for something between now and Saturday morning. …I know I was looking for June 1st…it did not come to fruition…I do not think we are far out…

6-2-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …There’s a lot of things happening in Iraq that I can’t help to think to myself I’m not sure how they’re gonna do these things or how any of these are gonna be possible without having a currency that’s not recognized internationally. I just don’t know how some of these agreements that they’re getting into are going to be able to be fulfilled without having their currency rate changed or at least recognized internationally. There is some type of conference that’s coming up in July where they open up to the rest of the world to come on in and think about investing into Iraq. There is going to be a plethora of nations invited and I have a feeling you’re gonna see a lot of them come. Having said that it’s gonna be really hard for this to be accomplished if they don’t have a currency that’s recognizable internationally..

6-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The government is preparing to issue a new reform package mid this week” Wednesday there is to be meetings on the Laws needed for many things that include Laws for Monetary Reforms. I suspect that since they have been talking about the 2019 FMLA and the secondary markets it will be a day to watch close. …the reforms need the international rate to be applied to the currency to facilitate the ability for the IQD and the ISX to interlink internationally…