Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-28-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-28-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-28-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance decision: Kurdistan has handed over its employee database to Baghdad…This is their exact number” Quote: “…this is what finally reached the signing of the comprehensive agreement…” …This looks to be the comprehensive deal that is done now and what we have been waiting for…imo! Love it! imo It is timed right before the adjustments to be made at the borders with taxes, tariifs and fees that will be electronically monitored allocated accordingly…Wow…The timing is imo HUGE!! The HCL/2019 FMLA, salaries, etc, is in this…Wow!!

6-28-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Weekend UPDATE…: On Saturday, Parliament stated that they have reform plans that will change the economy of Iraq and reiterating that all the reform plans will boost Iraq. These plans will be submitted within the next 3 months. Amir and Malaiki are on Iraqi TV trying to get the Shiites and the Sunnis to agree on dismissing PM Al-Kadhimi.

6-28-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Francis Albert I understand there’s Dinar land excitement over Iraq ‘s PM going to Washington with the idea of Trump announcing Iraq ‘s National Sovereignty. And this may happen and of course is a good thing, and in now way is throwing a wet blanket on it helping the Dinar go International. This is good. But, please let’s not believe that Iraq will ever be Sovereign. The war was about taking over the Country and doing a deal for cheap oil for a long, long time (oil credits), so you can say anything, but IMO U.S. runs the CBI and has Iraq on a leash until the people figure it out and kick U.S. out. So, whether it goes International at .10 or .86 or 1.00 the money, (dollars), that goes to currency investors will come from the oil, through the Treasury, through the banks that will monetize, (create), the dollars in exchange for the paper we have. It is the only possible way it can work.

6-28-2020 *** News FLASH *** One guru is reporting that Zimbabwe’s currency may have RV’d/changed in value. Reports are sketchy but word is local banks that deal in currency exchange will exchange Zim notes for a newer Zim note. They’ll then exchange THAT note for your local currency. If you’re in the United States that would be the U.S. dollar. As for the rate…reports are people are making thousands on their investment not millions – a solid return.

6-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy this guy [PM Kazemi] is starting to become a hero for the Iraqi people. He really is. He seems to be really doing what’s necessary to help out not only the Iraqi people but the Middle East in general…he is literally weaning out those Iranian puppets…this is a huge and bold move…for some strange reason Iran has been very very quiet about everything. I don’t know what that means. I haven’t been able to figure out why that is…why after all this hassle is Iran being so quiet? There’s a weird part of me that thinks they’re thinking, ‘great once Biden is in then we’ll do what we need to do. But until then let’s remain quiet.’ That’s what’s going through my head. We will see. Every day I keep seeing more and positive news that tells us that we’re almost there…we are way closer than we’ve ever been before and something tells me there’s more on the line of what’s happened in Iraq here in the United State in regards to Trump’s reelection.

6-27-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …None of the folks that had appointments yesterday received any funds…the appointments were all postponed. Some for over the weekend but most on Monday… There was no change of rate this morning in Iraq. I still feel it will be done before early July and we will have 120 days of disclosure before the elections…

6-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …the bigger question is what is in the “white paperwork” that’s coming to Washington? Everybody is buzzing about that. There’s a lot of people assuming the rate change is in there. I don’t want to throw that assumption there but it’s kinda hard not to…there’s a lot of reasons to believe that there really is…

6-27-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …they only extended Allaq’s proxy which means temporary term as Central Bank Governor until July 15th. That could suggest to us that they might or maybe…giving him only until July 15th to commission and execute and complete the rate change…

6-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy You’re gonna see a Rose Garden Podium speech with Al-Kazemi and Trump and Trump is gonna say to the international community it’s time to restore the sovereignty of Iraq so that the Iraq people can start moving ahead and rebuilding their country and by doing so we need to remove the restrictions off of their currency and it will once again be recognized internationally which means banks like Wells Fargo, Chase banks and other banks that deal with currency will then be able to either sell or buy from you the Iraqi dinar…we’ve been waiting for this…Iraq’s national sovereignty – that is the key…it’s about to happen. It definitely looks like it’s about to happen…