Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-26-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Clarification on foreign reserves in the Central Bank of Iraq” Quote: “…the minimum value of foreign reserves that the monetary authority must possess and that is calculated according to internationally approved standards – represents the ability of the monetary authority to defend the local currency exchange rate”… This article ought to be one we all smile about… Because they are not doing this now at a program rate. imo.. They are gearing up to use the tools for a new exchange rate and it appears they are ready to act on a moments notice…imo…This is timed accordingly…

6-26-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …people are saying they’re finding it harder and harder to stay motivated about going into work because they feel like this thing’s gonna happen any day…I’m in the same boat as you. But you can’t allow that feeling to overwhelm you. My job has all of a sudden become, you know, I just can’t feel motivated to go. That’s because every day the news just keeps seeming better and better and it feels like we’re getting closer. So I have to tell myself to snap out of it. I don’t want you to start counting your chickens before they hatch…yes everything is looking good…but don’t make any assumptions. I literally typed up my resignation letter because I can’t feel motivated to go to work and that’s really really bad. So hang tight. We’ll ride this bad boy out and we’ll see what happens. Trust me I can’t wait…It looks so good, so much so that it is a little bit hard to feel motivated everyday to go to work. I feel you but don’t quit yet.

6-26-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad ..the Central Bank of Iraq – they put out a new article – looks pretty dang good. Article “Clarification of Foreign Reserves In The Central Bank of Iraq” They are saying whatever they revalue their currency at…they’re going to be able to cover it and they are going to use the Iraqi dinar as the local currency…it’s all worked out…that’s incredible. They need to establish a rate. That’s what this is saying…all the time that I’ve been researching this – to have an article like this where they’re talking about the rate and international…it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. But is it done? …We have to keep being patient. Don’t have a date. Don’t have the rate but looks pretty dang good…

6-25-2020 *** Update *** The inventory of the Iraqi dinar in the U.S. market continues to tighten up. Some brokers are struggling to keep it in stock. As expected during a supply shortage the price to buy the dinar has increased. The sell price has also increased. If you’re buying or selling currency, be sure you use a reputable source and confirm they have dinar on hand to ship you. The guru have always said the supply of the dinar would dry up when the RV/rate change was near…It’s unclear whether the shortage we’re seeing now is because of Iraq’s change in policy or corona related.

6-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Mechanism for opening government documentary credits with private banks” …A Documentary credit or “Letter of Credit” is to facilitate trade payments internationally. They are used to make sure things are fair and run smooth. Being internationally accepted in the world requires countries to play on a level playing field… They cannot give out the international exchange rate with out properly announcing they are Article 8 compliant by actually raising the value of the exchange rate. So they use the example of the program rate. imo. Keep in mind they are telling us they are going to use the D/Cs [Documentary credit]. That means they are telling us they are about to change the value of the exchange rate to be internationally accepted and imo that will cease the Multi Currency Practices (MCPs) they have been using…So, the timing of this is by design…Telling us they are ready to go imo.

6-25-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Trump needs to get the RV done before the election…] I agree…I am looking at around 120 days before the election…this is before the 4th…which is coming up soon. I believe he will get the RV out before the election…

6-25-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …I can’t fathom why on Earth somebody would be talking about this going into 2021.

6-25-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I want everyone to understand today that there is NO positive proof that the CBI intends to revalue or reinstate the Iraqi dinar by the end of June or even in July. However, there are many signs that yet more progress has been made to clean up the corruption and pave the way for the eventual reinstatement and do it sooner than later…

6-25-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are still getting all kinds of chatter… but we are not out of the gate yet… [Whats the deal with Iraq? Auctions have stopped…how is Iraq living?] Without them auctioning their currency for US dollars they do not do well…that they have suspended those auctions lets you know how important it is that they change their value. This lets us know how close they are to RV. Even Shabibi said that at the end, close to the RV, they would stop their foreign currency auctions. This is big. They are trying to get dinar off the streets and limit the supply before they RV…

6-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy [IFEX Investors’ Question] The question was – if the conversion fees, buying from other countries and bringing it into Iraq it’s gonna be very costly, the fees are going to be very high, the conversion fees are gonna be very high…and they’re worried about inflation because if they start building in this nation that means you’re going to need a lot more currency and if you have to keep pumping out more and more local currency, then that can cause inflation to go up. Of course the response was ‘That should not a problem. We have a solution for that. Don’t worry about that.’ Along those lines. I don’t want to tell you guys that they’re talking about changing the rate but it sure the hell sounds like it…never in my life have I felt that we’re closer to a rate change…