Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-23-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-23-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-23-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] There are many roads IMO that will cross on the 28th of this month – with World Banks, with the CBI…the CBI is now talking/giving speeches about lifting of the three zeros…they ain’t coming out and talking to you plainly by saying ‘oh yeah, we’re going to add value. Oh yeah, we need to lift the value against the dollar.’ No They’re talking point blank…the governor’s speeches have been on ‘lifting the 3 zeros’ not ‘changing the exchange rate’. That was the theme from parliament. They are not going to change the exchange rate. That is not the ‘mechanism’ of the CBI. They told you countless times that they will remove zeros from the exchange rate…

6-23-2021 Intel Guru Sheila [via Guru MarkZ] …the Economic Reform will be coming through Kurdistan. The Kurds are a model of security and investment. There are many closed door meetings at the CBI today…no media…. Kazemi is going to the US for a 4 day visit… Many roads will cross on the 28th with the World Bank and the CBI…. Now the CBI is giving speeches about lifting the zeros…

6-23-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The Finance Minister [Seleh]…on the 19th [said]…our exchange rate is going to stay the way it is…the following day on the 20th Seleh says the complete opposite. ‘Yeah, there’s a study about the exchange rate…we’re going to change it. It’s not going to be the way it is. We’re going to change the exchange rate yeah. I’m sorry, my bad.’

6-23-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni This past weekend much of the attention was focused on two different articles one discusses implement implementation of the delete three zeros or LOP. The other is when it would be appropriate to float the Iraqi dinar. The delete 3 zeros is not a solution it is a neutral event where the dinar maintains the same value but it removes the zeros. This is a common occurrence in many countries that are unable to develop a private sector and have economic growth. Many in Iraq want them to do this…The other option is to build a private sector by passing laws, creating a suitable business environment, and attracting foreign investment. Doing so would allow the economy to prosper and as a result the dinar to grow in value and be a true value based on real economic success…we will have to wait and watch and see if Iraq decides to do the right thing or not…

6-22-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The U.S. House of Representatives decides to cancel the use of military force in Iraq” Yay! We feel they’re stable enough to be there on their own and that’s exactly what they did. This is a good move. We’re restoring the sovereignty of Iraq. Notice that they said, ‘We want you to respect our sovereignty. We want sovereignty, sovereignty, sovereignty.’ Sovereignty is a nation that can stand on their own without any outside help.

6-22-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “AL-KAZEMI’S ADVISOR: THE PROJECT TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE CURRENCY IS SUBJECT TO TWO CONDITIONS” Quote: “appropriate conditions are achieved, cash payments in Iraq…” Wow…Imo they are achieved. CASH PAYMENTS RETROACTIVE to come imo…

6-22-2021 Intel Guru Holly Tuesday RV News: The hold up on Sunday night was resolved yesterday. There were a lot of meetings yesterday and the rate issue not being released was fixed. I will not put out any timeframe when we expect to see the final release as people get too stuck on a date and then get upset if that date does not happen. Just know all is moving forward and we are on track for this to happen at any moment…

6-22-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] What I am hearing on the RV front is the IMF and UST are having some glitches. We don’t know if they are political, software, financial or what??? They are in the process of squaring this away… My folks are still in place…I think it’s any moment between now and Thursday…At least that is what I am being told. I really hope its accurate…

6-22-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 A powerful article came out on the 20th…the article is flat out telling you, we now have security inside of Iraq and we now have stability in our currency. You’re about to see something very soon IMO… On December 20th they approved everything…and exactly 6 months later right on target on the 20th of June they start to tell you everything we told you they were going to tell you and even more…

6-22-2021 Intel Guru Sheila [via Guru MarkZ] …things look great for this to go at any moment…The CBI is meeting tomorrow with financial leaders and private banks…Chase, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of America… The exchange rate can come back at anytime…they have the “Monetary Reform” well calculated and it’s about to come back… all the postponements were due to Iran interference. …The rate has been a secret but they are about to tell us everything… The CBI says the new rate is a phenomenon…

6-22-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have some “WOW” news for you…Yes, this news is amazing since the financial advisor to the prime minister suggested that they perform the project to delete the zeros. We have not heard any discussions on this project for a very long time. It is about time. They are discussing it as part of the solution to the financial mess they are in…once again they are debating the need to do the project (which will get us the RV and shortly afterwards the RI). What we need is for the finance committee, through the pressure from the prime minister and his financial advisor and economists, to work with the CBI and then later for the CBI to confirm that they are moving ahead. We have not yet gotten this confirmation…