Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-20-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-20-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-20-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy We haven’t had any kind of disruptions recently. No civil unrest. No protests. No missiles. No terrorist attacks. No Iran being bullies. It looks like foreign companies are coming in to do business. Looking real good. And the dinar is going in the right direction.

6-20-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Several bank sources are expecting to see LIVE rates on Sunday evening when the Forex market opens at 5:00 PM, Eastern. Top level personnel are told to start “checking” their systems starting Sunday afternoon in preparation of strategic conference calls. They are planning on being extremely BUSY next week.

6-20-2021 ***** Update ***** Community Member Tony (who’s a better mathematician than me! :) alerted me that the CBI official rate and market rate are once again within the IMF’s 2% rule. This is good news. It appears the CBI’s recent education campaign reported on by Guru Frank26 is working to restore confidence in the dinar. Guru Kaperoni says the 2% ratio must be held for a minimum of 90 day before Iraq can accept IMF Article VIII. The dinar slipped out of compliance for about 3 weeks…

6-20-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Almost a year after it was written, Iraq still has not implemented the majority of the ‘white papers’ which were designed to diversify Iraq’s economy. I assure you, Iraq has no intention to raise the value of the dinar under the current conditions. Iraq must pass laws and create a suitable investment climate before the dinar could ever appreciate in value. …as I’ve stated numerous times the Iraqi dinar is pegged to the US dollar so outside the country the exchange rate is fixed and does not change. Until they decide to unpeg and float the dinar there will be no International change in the currency value.

6-19-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Our military intel contact is confirming …that as of today Sat 19 June, the UST has gotten the sign off from other Treasuries across the globe on the new RV rates for all the other 22 currencies…He confirmed that Mr. Fleming’s source saying that Iraq is still working today Sat 19 June on its IQN rate at $3.90 and as soon as the CBI is done, the other 22 currency rates will be triggered too… He is confirming that the general public T5 is now planned by the IMF to start by Sat 3 July AFTER T4B SafeLink Website links and 800#s have been out over the coming last two weeks of June…this week is expected to be BOOM WEEK FOR EVERYONE AND EVERY TIER!

6-19-2021 Intel Guru Holly Yes we are disappointed another week has passed and we are still waiting…From all sources this coming week should be the final release. It is a fluid event driven not date driven event. So if something else comes up the plan shifts accordingly. Just know all that needs to be done appears to be done…

6-19-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 You are now seeing the campaign that we told you would come out from Mustafa Ghaleb, the CBI governor. A campaign we said to educate the citizens, everyone…on the new ‘mechanism’…what is the new mechanism? A plan. What is the plan? A new exchange rate.

6-19-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The dollar is declining and central bank sales are declining”. This is great news…I told you outside of waiting for some type of RV or RI announcement there’s other things we should be looking for. The dollar is still declining against the dinar. This is good. It’s not like a lot but it’s still good. It’s going in the right direction…the other day you could get 1490 dinars for a dollar. It is now dropped down to 1485 dinars per dollar. Now I get it. Some people will bash it but you don’t get it. It’s going in the correct direction. If it goes in increments and it just chugs right along every week I’ll take it. Seriously, as long as it’s going in the right direction that’s all that matters…

6-19-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] what I am hearing is that Iraq wants to get their rate out and put it out internationally…on Saturday…out with an international rate…that…would show up on the Forex…We roughly know what the rate is going to be…It could very well be that the rate that they have created for us for tier 4B may be back on the back screen now – the front screen rate at the banks which will show up Monday morning after all new rates populate over the weekend either Saturday or Sunday – and we can see it at the banks – Sunday / Sunday night – By Monday morning they should all be there – the front screen rate may be the same – probably will be the same as the Forex rate – for the Dinar and the other currencies…

6-19-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] However what we are supposed to get is supposed to be quite a bit better than that and should show up on a back screen – so my point is – tier 4B you need to ask for the higher rate than is showing on the screen – just making you aware of that – same is true for the Dong – so keep that in mind – So we…looking very good… it’s looking like we can actually see some light at the end of this tunnel…

6-19-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Once they notified the IMF, Iraq had 3 days, or 72 hours to put IQD, along with 22 currencies from other (IMF) approved Nation states, on FOREX. 72 hours, to publish these new currency rates live in banks, around the world, honored by the UST. Forex will post these new rates live for banks, currency exchange centers everywhere to access. Sunday the rates will lock in and go live…The currencies are going…live, on front bank screens with new rates posted Sunday night. Monday morning banks all over the world will have new rates that must be honored.