Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-20-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Alaq: The devaluation of the dinar should not be the first line of defense to confront the financial crisis” Quote: “…in addition to the supplies and materials imported by the government, such as oil derivatives, ration materials, etc., the net of this amount hits the new price of the dinar…” They are not talking about devaluation. They are talking valuation. WOW!! Get ready… Alak is talking on a FRIDAY!!! Whooo whoooo. imo…This is HUGE!! imo ~ ALAK talked on the holy day… think about it…

6-20-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …this is a very important week – and we’ve heard some specifics about tomorrow [Friday] – they say tomorrow will be very – very – very – very – very – very – very good for us…I’ve got to tell you – banks – and I know specifically Wells Fargo is having a conference call tomorrow morning…Now – that is a call that is mandatory and during that call they should tell employees that are on the call tomorrow whether our release for our appointments to be set – whether our 800 number release is coming out either Monday or Tuesday… a very small percentage of appointments…were set for Tuesday already…Now that is what I’m hearing – this is not me calling it – this is me telling you what I’ve heard from extremely good sources…

6-20-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 …the citizens know very well what’s going on…the lava flow of preparing the banking system to go international – done. The lava flow to explain to the citizens has been accomplished pretty good but it will continue long after they raise the value of the currency. Now the lava flow is spilling out around the borders and the international world already knows this…the lava flow which is unstoppable is now at the point now that the United States got involved…

6-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Let’s look at the facts. Iraq is putting out a crazy amount of economic articles now that they have finished the formation of the government. That’s not coincidence guys. They’re telling you they’re close to changing the rate…if they had intentions of changing the rate in the Month of June then IMO they would have only extended Alak through the end of June. They didn’t. They extended Alak through July 15th. That to me removed June from the equation and walks us into the first half of July…IMO they’re keeping him in there long enough to commission and execute the rate exchange. Second. On or around July 15th you have Kazemi going to Washington. Why? For those strategic dialogue talks…those are about economic investment and long term relations between Iraq and the U.S. That’s all post rate change items…IMO Kazemi is going to Washington after the rate has changed…

6-19-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …I had a number of bankers telling me yesterday that rates are bouncing all over the place. I took this as an excellent sign. One banker that I hadn’t talked to in months told me yesterday he thinks the currency reset is finally happening…he was very excited…Overall yesterday the news was fantastic.

6-19-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Wheres your best guess on the VND?…] my opinion has been 5-10 cents and anything there or higher is a huge bonus.

6-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …what’s the one thing we’re waiting for in order for the rate change to happen? I’m still sticking to my guns, I don’t care what other people say…here’s my opinion…Iraq has to prove Iraq can stand on their own. They have to believe that they deserve their sovereignty and when that happens they will have once again an internationally recognized currency and you will see that currency trade on the Forex. That’s what the heck we want…One major step in achieving that goal would be it Al-Kazemi could figure out where the he’ll the money [missing Iraq Treasury money] went and then hold all those people accountable…

6-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat News from US banks in the last couple weeks has been very encouraging as they are telling us they are preparing for the reinstatement and the handling of people coming to exchange. I say this is good news since we have not had any cheerful news from the banks since October 2019. So something is at least being planned. Will it be finally executed and over soon?

6-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …right now the news is suggesting they might be rolling the rate change process possibly into the first half of July…