Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-18-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-18-2023
6-18-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The budget will not work with a mechanism of 1310 exchange rate. Not a chance.. Al-Alaq the CBI Governor knows that imo.. Very much so…A three year budget is meant for to keep pricing for materials in check and stable. Keep in mind a strong currency will make it cheaper for Iraq to buy materials to re construct the country. It may be something to think about coming here soon.. What an awesome time it is. This budget is not something to take lightly. It is going to be an historic event.
6-18-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The program rate is impossible for anybody to come into the country of Iraq and invest. It hasn’t happened for God knows how long and now by pure magic it’s going to happen? No. There’s a reason they’re coming in to invest. The reason is simple. It is logical. They’re about to make a change in their monetary reform.
6-18-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat If the CBI was successful in regulating the use of the dollar in Iraq and now the conversion solely to Iraqi dinars as their national currency, then the redenomination to the lower denominations this could go quickly. Of course, there is lots going on here and there will probably be some hiccups as they may expose more corruption in the banks or black marketeers as usual. Anything can happen but there is no turning back now on the process.
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “IRAQ DINAR: With the document.. the budget law reaches the Presidency of the Republic for approval” The completion phase is effectively done and now the implementation and distribution phase is to be upon us! I hope everyone realizes we have never been here before with a budget like this. All of those that have been in this investment should know the implications of this are huge. An investment oriented 3 year budget sets this stage for the likes of J.P. Morgan to facilitate foreign trade. We dinar holders are a part of this.
6-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Will the dinar be taxed as capital gain or ordinary income?” I always say to you that our government is not going to let you get away with anything. Our government is not going to say, ‘Oh, forget the taxes? You bet. no problem.’ This is a major event. Our government knows very well. Probably they know how many American citizens have Iraqi dinars. You don’t think they want to collect it? 87,000 IRS agents? I told you they would come after you long before they announced that. I told you…yes it will be taxed up the wazoo. [NOTE: Consult your tax professionals to determine the best tax strategies and correct taxes for your unique circumstances.]
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Parliamentary Conquest: Passing the oil and gas law depends on a signal from the government ” Quote: “the representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Muhammad Karim, had confirmed in a previous statement to Al-Maalouma that the decision to vote on the articles related to the Kurdistan region in the draft federal general budget would pave the way for the approval of the oil and gas law.”
6-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Some news today “US permits Iraq to release billions to Iran” Why is this important? Even though Iran is under sanctions right now- Iraq has been allowed to finish paying them settlements left over from the Iraqi war. Also to pay for power and electricity that is coming from Iran. This is important because we were told this was one of the last things along with paying Kuwait before they could move forward with ascension to the World Trade Organization and change the value of their currency.
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Delete the three zeros – What’s it all mean pimpy? …Let’s say a 25,000 dinar [note] – remove the three zeros. What do you see left over? 25. So a 25,000 dinar would be exchanged for a 25 dinar note. Period. Has nothing to do with the exchange rate. I can already hear people asking, ‘What happens to the millions and millions of dollars we thought we were gonna get?’ The only way that’s going to happen is if they change the exchange rate first while we still have this currency because once the delete the zeros takes place and we swap our higher dinars for a much lower looking dinar then it is what it is. 5,000,000 becomes 5,000 dinars.
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Could the exchange rate change before the deletion of the zeros? Yes, of course, that’s possible. Could the deletion of the zeros happen before the rate change? Yep, that’s possible as well. I want to remind you of something. Let’s say they do the deletion of the zeros. You have 5,000,000 dinars now it becomes 5,000 Iraqi dinars. A couple weeks later they reinstate the Iraqi dinar exchange rate to $3.22…you would still get $16,100, which is still a phenomenal return on such a small investment. Now I get it, [you] had already calculated millions and millions of dollar…man I get that…I’m always the bad guy…
6-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Everything they’re saying and showing the Iraqi citizens is only for one reason – to increase the value of their currency.
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Breaking news coming out of Iraq. The Iraqi government is planning to complete the requirement for Iraq’s acceptance to the World Trade Organization (WTO). This means financial contributions to the WTO have been settled. A statement issued by the Ministry of Trade said that work is underway to complete the requirements for joining the WTO…
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Paulette The President has now officially received the budget according to the Finance Committee…15 days…is Saturday 7/1.
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man We have never seen anybody say the project to delete the zeros from the exchange rate has ceased and stopped. We know they printed new small category notes in the past…and there’s evidence of that…in the central bank’s files…it’s an amazing time to be invested with the Iraqi dinar and we’re gonna see this come to fruition…
6-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They saying that implementation of those that were caught using the dollar have been arrested and how they’re being punished and they’re telling us that because they used the dollar this is what happened to them. They’re telling us how the dinar will be stronger. They’re saying how we should back the dinar and the CBI says are doing campaigns to show and grow the support. FRANK: Get ready… it’s possible that they are preparing to tell you about your new currency and your new exchange rate and the ATMs…
6-17-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article: “Legal expert: The arrival of the budget to the Presidency of the Republic is considered approved even if it is not approved by the President” Quote: “based on the provisions of Article 73/III of the Constitution, which stipulates that laws enacted by the House of Representatives shall be ratified and issued after fifteen days from the date of their receipt.”
6-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Member Question: Why do some believe it will float and some believe it will be a sudden rate change? MarkZ Answer: Certain parts of the float make sense. Allows them to get a lot off the streets …the problem is it does not return their currency to prominence anytime in the next years…it doesn’t cure any of their ills. They did not “float” the currency down when they devalued it…and throughout history they do not float currency back up once they reduce them. They re-instate them. Now if we see a substantial change like to $2 and then let it float might make sense.