Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-17-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-17-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-17-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling …They want to get rid of some of the restrictions that is stopping the Iraqi dinar to not be [from being] traded globally…”let’s make it easier”. It is great news and the language is fantastic! …Bank of America is buying dinars off the auction floor. Are they selling it to you and me? No. Ask them if they sell dinar and they’ll tell you “no…you don’t want to get into that stuff.” But they are still buying it from the auction floor and Chase is still buying it from Bank of America. That’s where I bought my dinars when they used to actually sell dinar. Are they selling it to the public now? no. But they are still buying it from Bank of America. Do you see the pattern here? It’s not very hard to follow…It’s a very important currency…there is a lot of money being spent. A lot of US Treasury being spent to help maintain a structure so the Iraqi dinar can gain true value and that is another thing people miss…We see things that most people don’t see and it’s designed not to be seen.

6-17-2016 Newshound Guru Millionday Quote: “…with Iraq ‘s openness to the world and within the efforts to double the non – oil fiscal imports, comes an urgent need to develop the Iraqi ports of the importance of its strategic as a link between the continents of the world point. He called advisory in industrial development and investment Amer Jeweler to expedite the completion of the port great Faw utmost importance in supporting the country’s economy…” THAT MEANS THAT THE ORDERS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO HURRY UP AND GET THE PORT OF FAW READY WITH CUSTOMS AND ALL NEEDED FOR IMPORTS BECAUSE IRAQ IS OPENING TO WORLD TRADE AND IT IS NEEDED TO BRING IN ALL IMPORTS AND TAKE OUT MADE IN IRAQ AS WELL. THINGS ARE MOVING SO FAST THAT I THINK YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT HOW MANY OF US WILL BE LOADED WITH NEWS IN THE NEXT WEEKS…

6-17-2016 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article quote: “…a review of laws that have affected the performance of banks and activating insurers pointing at the same time that business trends misconceptions contributed to the migration of the Iraqi capital out of the country and the state ‘s economic and political appropriate targets for the return of the money put through specialized institutions” it is interesting this article should come up today where it speaks of the laws and the process of creating the right conditions for growth. [Guru] BondLady has said this whole process is like the spokes on a wheel and as each spoke is added it strengthens the wheel. if we look at the laws as the spokes, each time they pass one it makes everything stronger. part of the problem is that some of laws require other laws to be passed as well, for instance the tariff law needs the support of product protection etc… so yes they pass laws like the AML but as we saw the other day it too needed additional laws to support it…and the wheel gets stronger everyday.

6-17-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Obviously, we all want to know what this LOI says…the wording of the LOI. …we all know…that there’s an agreement. The agreement has been met half way in the sense that the IMF kept their part. it is now become “their” plan and that plan is in an LOI that has been given to the IMF from all representation of Iraq. This is HUGE and this is what we are waiting for. …this country is surrounding itself with many things that are needed for the International World to accept them. Are you ready to lift the value of your currency? …We’ll give you Article 8, that’s the only thing that’s left that’s keeping you away from the international world.

6-17-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The auctions, the MCPs [Multi Currency Policy] and the T&Ts [Taxes & Tariffs]…They all have to happen at once. IMO…have to be done instantly together…or the MR [Monetary Reform] will fail. They all have to be stopped at once or they all have to hold their breath at once at least for three (3) days. (smile)…and anything else and anything less than that is an indicator that they are about to raise their value of their currency within that timeframe. …the loans…well the loans maybe they made the loans with a different rate. IMO, inside of Iraq, 1:1, and we told you about the bridge of three (3) days that will actually be driven, the market will get it for those three days. It will drive it, and when outside of Iraq finally given to us, I don’t think it’s going to be 1:1… These loans are being backed by the United States of America and trust me, we’re not stupid, we don’t want to go into any further debt.

6-17-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce …There is no other option for the world but to RV ASAP… Higher rates frozen on screens at WF, HSBC, Bank of China, Scotia. Lower rates frozen on screens on Brick and Mortar, Chase, Citibank, etc. WE have exhausted everything we have of intel. Now a matter of performance. That is where we are. Ready for it to come forth. Hopefully see that blessing come forth in short order. I just got a call. [Guru] Okie is planning on coming in for a landing.

6-16-2016 Newshound Guru mike While I remain hopeful that Parliament is going to get over themselves and get to work for the people of Iraq, I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s abundantly clear that they’re not afraid of the protesters, they’ve broken into both the PM’s office and Parliament itself and still these guys won’t cooperate. The first thing we need is the Federal Courts decision on whether or not Jabouri is still the Speaker of the House and then we’ll need Abadi to cobble together some kind of coalition to get the reforms through. That’s not going to be an easy task even if they somehow manage to remove ISIL from Fallujah. Doing that should give Abadi enough credibility to gather the necessary MP’s to push through all the legislation that’s needed to move the country forward. Your move Iraq.

6-16-2016 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article quote: “The receipt of the loan terms are subject to controls by the direction of the loan,” he said. “The World Bank is setting the direction for the loans.” IMF loan means the recovery of the economy *hallelujah*

6-16-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite ” …BY PROVIDING FACILITIES & LOGISTICAL SUPPORT AND IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING FOR RETURN OF IRAQI CAPITAL TO THE COUNTRY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM IN IRAQI CURRENCY SUPPORT.” Here you go…how will they do this if their currency is of little value? In order for many of the Iraqis to return they need something of value to return to.


6-16-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 While all of these activities are going on…you have the taxes and the tariffs at the borders that are being set up. They used to collect them manually but…it’s not going to be manual anymore. And that’s why the World Trade Organization (WTO) is asking Iraq, “will you guys join us?” And the reason why is because that they got the coding a long time ago and they are about to implement it in the taxes and tariffs at their borders. Now the software to reveal this encoding of every item that is going to be taxed…is only going to increase their revenues of the country…Not only in shipping imports but exports as well. They set up an E-Government system and electronic taxes…all of this with the software that will give them the encoding that will allow them to become World Trade Organization members? Hmmm…I guess the timing to join them is exactly right because an LOI [Letter of Intent]…This is a very sophisticated system and not for no program rate. The IMF has a LOI of what Iraq wants to do and the evidence of this agreement is all over the place.