Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-14-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-14-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-14-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They told us…due to typo errors in the printing of the budget it will be reaudited and sent back to gazette…after EID holiday…All sound little fishy to us…An Iranian proxy saying budget is under appeal but we see nothing official of that…We trust it is going to be in gazette after EID holiday… FRANK: They know what you are about to receive – your purchasing power. They know it’s going to be extremely difficult for them to steal this value, this currency, so in the last nanosecond, just before Sudani and Alaq present the new exchange rate and the lower notes to you they do everything possible to prevent you from receiving your blessing…

6-14-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Over the last 4-5 days I have received so many calls from people in banking who told me “You are right- they are telling us it is imminent and any moment. We should be seeing it soon – get yourself prepared“.

6-14-2024 Guest Guru Mike Bara [via PDK] I want to say that this is not a rumor. I am not passing on a rumor…I know a guy…he got a call from a High corporate banking official from a major bank. And he said “You know that thing you have been bugging me about for the last 10 years?” (and we all know what it is – it’s the RV) And the banker said “Well congratulations buddy- your dreams are about to come true!”…And the banker said “We just got a memo today, a letter from headquarters informing us to Get Ready Right Now because the Iraqi dinar is revaluating extremely soon. Boom… I don’t know how to evaluate the term “really soon” except to say I think it means in the next 2 or 3 days. We don’t know but, that’s what I think it means.

6-14-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq” Quote: “Iraq will be a major corridor for passing the network, not only in the Gulf. But for the countries of East Asia, it will be synonymous with the Egyptian corridor…Iraq has become the focus of attention of countries and major international companies due to the incidents that took place in the Red Sea and the fear of the cessation of communications through this corridor.”

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Parliamentary Committee: The investment law will see the light soon” Quote: “Member of the Investment and Development Committee, Muhammad Al-Zayadi, confirmed…the next legislative term will witness amendments to the investment law.”

6-13-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Things are going perfect. Everything is moving with such perfection that no one can do anything about this right now.

6-13-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: …what’s the TimeLine on exchanging our currency’s? MarkZ: I am told we will have a bare minimum of 30 days…but most likely 90 days to exchange once the RV occurs. If the rumors coming out of Iraq, Reno and other areas are correct and it’s this weekend… (Thats the rumors that are gathering steam right now…they are very prevalent.) Then anywhere from 30-90 days after that.

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man I don’t care if you’ve been in this for 20 years. What we’re seeing now is completely different. It’s a progression. Some people don’t like the progression. They just want it to be over and done. Welcome to the club.

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy When a currency does a re-denomination and they remove the zeros and they release new bank notes, guess what? The old bank notes are no longer any good. I’ve been preaching about that when it comes to ZIM dollars and if it happens to the Iraqi dinars.

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Traveling to realize your IQD profits – People in high places reprimanded [me] for saying this…Iraq…could print new money. That would mean that you, I, anyone would need to travel if allowed to exchange your Iraqi dinar bank notes for the new currency like Zimbabwe did. They gave the world two weeks to make the exchange. In Zimbabwe’s case it did not matter if you were a citizen or not. If you showed up with the old currency…then you received the new ZIG currency. Could we be so lucky with Iraq? …We must be smart about how we look at our options. We may not have a choice. We may have to travel.

6-13-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 How much time will they [Iraqi citizens] have to trade in 3 zero notes? [Boot’s on the ground Firefly’s bank friend] told Firefly you’re going to be given a short amount of time to exchange your Iraqi dinar. This is the very first time ever that we have information from a very good source [saying] you’re going to have a specific amount of time to trade in your 3 zero notes.

6-13-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are seeing a lot of value changes on screens …we are seeing a lot of inconsistancies…which to me means a priming of the system.

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Parliamentary Finance explains the reason for postponing the publication of the budget tables after the Eid holiday” Quote: “A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Moeen Al-Kadhimi, confirmed on Wednesday that the committee requested that the budget tables be redone before publishing them in the Official Gazette due to the existence of printing errors in the numbers, indicating that the committee is in the process of re-auditing the numbers and correcting the printing errors for the purpose of publishing them until after the Eid Al-Adha holiday.”

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff I told you guys the court would be overturning the budget because it is unconstitutional…I basically predicted the future for you. It’s getting close to happening. They’re most likely going to do this next week. Article: “Legal:The Federal Court will vote on the unconstitutionality of the budget table” I told you the budget is unconstitutional. I told you nothing was going to happen to the budget. As you see I’m right. The budget is getting overturned. It is going to go back to an unapproved state.

6-13-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Representatives appeal the budget schedules to the Federal Court”

6-13-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani came out and again he says to us the dinar is stronger than the dollar. FRANK: Your contracts are being rewritten because your dinar is strong now. FIREFLY: Then he said that Iraqi people will see a significant increase in the exchange rate this year. He’s saying all this in a recorded speech. He’s talking about the economy and how we’re growing and what is expected. FRANK: Like I told you, the monetary reform education would get louder and louder into this month. It looks like they’re using a megaphone to scream it to you. These are exciting time for your monetary reform, for your country, for the value of your currency.

6-13-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …traders can’t trade the Iraqi dinar since OFAC sanctions are still on the currency and have not yet been lifted. It would be illegal and very risky to put any of the dinar in investment portfolios at this time… there is no back screen trading platform, so even if they did want to trade the dinar how would investors do it?

6-13-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] … Sudani told us that everything is now in the hands of the CBI…he was talking to Alaq at that time… so it’s the CBI ‘s job to change the rate.

6-12-2024 Newshound Guru Samson “Jordan considers Iraq one of its ‘most important’ key partners in the investment field”

6-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 It’s no secret that they’re raising the value of their currency. It’s no secret they’re going to float their currency to reach a real effective exchange rate. It’s no secret a new category of lower notes are coming out. It’s no secrete the monetary reform has been successful and everyone is pouring into this country because of that and therefor the economic reform is about to explode.