Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-1-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-1-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-1-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 [Guru] DELTA has found two sites on the CBI website that DELTA cannot even get into…and we think that may be where they are putting information about what they doing in these little private meetings…well obviously they know what they are doing…they are preparing…they are not allowing intrusions…IMO…to see what they are doing…and what are they doing…they are doing what the IMF told them to do…and you know what that is…raise the value of your currency…and they are not allowing any cracks…

6-1-2016 Newshound Guru Chattels Caution: The dinar gurus who are opining that the Kurds are on board with the Abadi reforms or that they are “happy” are misinformed. The Kurds are open to being a part of the solution to the many issues afflicting Iraq and the KRG. They are participating in the constitutional government process, but do not think that the Kurds have endorsed any plan or agreement, other than the several that Baghdad has failed to perform, going forward. They want Abadi to do the things he promised them when the Abadi government was formed almost two years ago. This is all still a big mess.

6-1-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce We are looking at a GCR that will actually include much more than what we thought. It is about brand new systems, money operating. About financial systems which that operates. That system is up and running, been tested even yesterday. Transfers of countries far apart…And success of those transferred occurred quickly, as little as 18 sec and as much as 42 secs. This system is operating seamlessly. Testing behind the systems. Our understanding is that systems are good to go. All moving in position what we hope is a nice start for June. All we looking for is a notification…

6-1-2016 Newshound Guru firefly Article quote: “Iraq’s new funds from the International Monetary Fund, a step in the right direction to make Iraq is under international economic standards.” “Iraq borrow from the International Monetary Fund makes Iraq abide by international standards and conditions, namely that Iraq abide by mandatory.” It is essential that something happens VERY VERY soon.

6-1-2016 Newshound Guru Bondlady [“When the RV happens, what do you expect the exchange rate for us to be?”] I above any other guru now or back in the day…have never never called a date nor rate…why? because absolutely no one in this dinar investment will know or have that sort of intel…that just wont happen, so to answer u I don’t know. …in my heart I feel like it will try to come in close with the u.s. dollar or even 1 to 1…my reasons is that they have become so dependent and in love with the dollar they don’t want to even use there own currency at all…that being said, biggies will have to find a way for them to fall out of love with the dollar and fall back in love (be dependent) with there own currency the Iraqi dinar. …the best way I can think of using plain old common sense is make the dinar as attractive or at least better looking…better purchasing power…better rate…closer to the dollar exchange rate, other wise…why would they even use it… I still believe in my investment altho like most of us who got in this, thought we would be long gone by now…all IMO.

6-1-2016 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Oh yes indeed…the BEST is yet to come. The push is getting ready…or in Texas terms…”fixin’ to” move forward…in some ways it has begun I think. Watch as more is unveiled as we observe…The BEST is yet to come…

5-31-2016 Newshound Guru tlm724 Quote from Minister of Planning site: “Planning Minister … announces the completion of the draft national development administration (IDMS) with support from the US Agency for Development” which is the first of its kind in Iraq and help the government on the management of financial resources to achieve transparency and the fight against corruption and provide the exact mechanisms…theres the transparency on a national level the IMF requires…well done Iraq!

5-31-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 …Monetary Reform…leads all the other reforms…you can’t have the other reforms without the MR…and the reforms… they are ahead of schedule…with all reforms… MR…leads all other reforms…and all…three letter agencies are watching them do this…and one of them is guiding them with every step…the IMF…to create the MR and once again become the Mecca of this planet earth. I told you last Monday…they got the loan…why did they get the loans…so they could qualify for an improved credit rating… a new credit rating…will allow us to have a base credit with all the other international countries that we are now connected with our banks to do foreign international business with…Iraq’s financial liquidity will improve after the IMF loan…the Monetary Reform according to our TEAM/FRIENDS is going well…IOO (In our Opinion)…the MR is dealing with the banks of Iraq…and it is dealing with the money changers of Iraq…because they are going to step out of their old ways…and they are going to go into an international global market very soon. In fact…IMO…they are already there.


5-30-2016 Newshound Guru Chattels Article quote: “…A parliamentary source said on Tuesday that the parliament speaker Salim al – Jubouri announced the start of the legislative recess of the parliament as of today.” The thirty day extension on yesterday was ” nunc pro tunc ” and retroactive to May 1, the original beginning date of a two month recess, which has now been reduced to a one month recess. I posted on May 18 : “MY READ ON THE FOREGOING IS THAT THE “CURRENT DISMISSAL DATE” IS MAY 1 AND THE EXTENSION OF THE CURRENT PARLIAMENTARY SESSION IS FROM MAY 1 – MAY 30. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LAST DAY OF PARLIAMENT BEFORE THE “RAMADAN RECESS” IS THAT THE HIGH COURT WILL NOT HAVE DECIDED THE APPEALS PENDING BY THAT TIME IF ” BRIEFS DUE ” ARE NOT RECEIVED BEFORE JUNE 1.” Again I say, that Parliament will not meet during Ramadan.

5-31-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite …Iraq (including Kurdistan) has already walked through the door and into the global economy markets. The IMF told you this a few days ago. Plus, the IMF also told you that Iraq is compliant with the requirements and that they are mandatory…i,e,…Article 8 (IMO). Abadi has never left the lime light…the world recognizes the mountain he has to climb and he stood before the world economic powers in Davos, SW and told the world that Iraq will join them on their stage. …he would never be able to get upon that stage with a currency that represents Iraq if it is valued at… $0.00086. IMO…he would be laughed at… It is coming.

5-31-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 [IMO the one and five year charts for oil are at a key inflection point. There is some resistance at $50 and it has not broken through and held but the next run through $50 that holds would indicate a straight shot to $60. Thats a wonderful thing…] oil charts negotiation and deal rates will not change till june 30 for the middle east lobbyist…be patient we are coming to the end of our journey. I JUST GAVE YOU A HINT HOW MUCH LONGER…TO THE POSSIBLE END.