Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-30-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-30-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-30-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO that [2021] budget will bring forth the new exchange rate. Whether it’s brought out with the budget or later I don’t know. I don’t care. But it’s impossible for that budget to do what it wants to do at that program rate….

5-30-2021 Newshound Guru NORV [aka Kaperoni] I do agree, if Iraq can find a way to build a diverse private sector economy the dinar could rise substancially…

5-29-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Opening of the Iraq reconstruction and investment exhibition in Erbil ” The 2021 budget is not open or implemented if I recall correctly. There is to be on the 05/29/2021 many laws before the HoR… Mainly the one I have interest in is the potential new law in regard to HCl…But, with this Reconstruction and Investment Exhibition now on going supports a new market economy is underway or just about to be announced…Customs and Borders are in the news today with signings, etc… Digital currency with the IQD is another convergence…So, do we see the picture? …I sure do… The canvas is now about dry.

5-29-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I was just recently told everything is now completed as far as the US treasury is concerned. The U.S. Treasury is now waiting for the new exchange rate. I think this is coming to an end.

5-29-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Al-Kazemi is implementing an American plan to return Iraq to 2014″ This article does not look good for our investment. This article is showing that Iraq …is not going to become sovereign and that they have tremendous instability…it’s also saying they’re to pause and postpone the electoral process and go toward an emergency government to ensure the foreign forces remain. They’re telling you Iraq has a lot of political instability moving forward…This article does not look good…Iraq will not be able to revalue their currency if they bring forth an emergency government…

5-29-2021 Intel/Newshound Guru Holly The final touches are being finalized to prepare for the release. When it happens no one will know. It will just happen and we will not find out till afterwards…We are truly there this time. It could go by the end of the “end of this month” or within first two weeks in June…I have heard of whales that have been paid… Keep high expectations for we are at the end.

5-29-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is the new banking system supposed to start on June 1st?] That is based on a number of reports from different banks…also from a number of different people walking into branches and being told that there are problems with swift transfers ect…and tellers are saying the problems are because of having to work with 2 different systems and the new system will take over on June 1st.

5-29-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Don’t worry about the Iraqi dinar. The reports that are coming out everything they are doing is fine. The window is still here. There’s no reason for them to stop now. Oil prices do not change what’s coming up…They’re still moving forward…you should be very very happy…

5-29-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Firefly report: ‘TV news [In Iraq] is saying it’s time for Iraq to have a flexible exchange rate…’ Frank: It’s going to float 1 to 1 outside of the country. That’s what he’s explaining to the citizens. That’s what we explained to you. Firefly: ‘…a flexible exchange rate one that will help Iraq when things are bad and when things are better and they’re saying to us that the devalue that they recently had was for a short period of time to get more notes in.’ Frank: These are the things that the CBI is telling the citizens on their television. Firefly: ‘this is the Finance Minister and the spokesman from the CBI…’ Frank: …the citizens of Iraq are actually getting very excited because they…know the change is coming to their exchange rate because the right people are now talking about it…

5-29-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Question: [What do you think about the amount of gold they {Iraq} have? Do you think it’s a telltale sign? Do you think it’s nothing? Do you think it’s a ridiculous amount for 1460?] We don’t know exactly what the M0/M1 figures are but when you look at the foundation of what a reserve is it’s a hard product…gold by far has held its value for 6000 years. The foundation of any country’s reserves is their gold…now, as they have been collecting those 3-zero notes and getting rid of them what they have been doing aggressively as you know over the last 6 months…that goes to decreasing the note count which would increase the value of the currency that’s outstanding, that’s out there in the markets both international and internal. To me the reserves are covered. I have no question they’ve got the reserves covered to reflect a very strong dinar…