Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-26-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-26-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan What it looks like is there was a notice given on the 19th. Then, moving along from that, banks are closed and a holiday ensues for five days to mark Eid Al-Fitr a time of giving. The mask of Covd-19 is in play.. Nothing like a plan-demic to hide what is in plain site. Very well orchestrated on many fronts. The one front that will usher our win, is what we await on now. imo. No turning back once one jumps from the deck! That is where they are, in the air imo…lol.

5-26-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …Before Iraq in the CBI can transition to Article VIII they must submit a request to the IMF for approval considering they are not in compliance currently…Unlikely would it be approved…the IMF has a status for each country…they are in Article XIV..

5-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy When Al-Kazemi got into office I was hoping he’d be whipping butt. But I had no clue that this guy was going to accomplish what he’s accomplishing and he’s done it all in such a short period of time…

5-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Kurdistan government approves the Baghdad proposal to settle the financial situation” We see the Kurds are in agreement with the new PM on the implementation of the FMLA of 2019..this is music to my ears. They agreed on the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) for the future budgets and will be in preparation for their fundamental implementation…No wonder Saudi Arabia is off and running… Word travels fast. This looks like a notification that was dated May 19th.. 1) DONE 2) DONE and 3) DONE…imo.

5-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …when I say Iraq or Vietnam are a long term investment you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying so I want to clarify this. I’m not talking about their currencies. I think the currencies are gonna change really quick here. Especially the Iraqi dinar. As a matter of fact I can make a bold suggestion and that is, our time is this year 2020. There’s no doubt that the Iraqi dinar rate will change in 2020. I feel very confident about that…and then I say, ‘oh these two countries you should consider longer term.’ People are like oh my God pimpy is saying it’s going to be 5, 10, 15 years down the road for their currencies. No. I’m not talking about the currencies…I’m considering Iraq and Vietnam as “long term” outside of their currencies. As long term investment opportunities. There’s just so much growth potential there…

5-25-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Vietnam increases reference exchange rate.] Article: “HANOI: The State Bank of Vietnam on Monday (May 25) set the daily reference exchange rate between Vietnamese dong and US dollar at 23,257 Vietnamese dong per US dollar, up 15 Vietnamese dong against the last working day of the previous week.” it’s telling us they have a good economy and that the dong went up less then 1/10th of a penny. It’s good to hear reports of their economy but this doesn’t change anything for us at the moment.

5-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Under royal directives, the Saudi ambassador returns to work in Baghdad” Quote: “Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhemi and Minister of Finance Ali Abdel Amir Allawi, affirming the Kingdom’s concern for the unity of the Iraqi people, and the importance of cooperation with the new Iraqi government to achieve mutual interests and enhance ties Bilateral relationship between the two brotherly countries…” Looks like more of the PM hitting the ground and running!! This is also huge and supportive Iraq has agreed to be compliant and international..imo.

5-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …at any time this could happen. Don’t be looking for no date. No specific time of the year. I don’t care what everybody’s telling you. At any time it could happen because it’s an accounting process. It’s all about the numbers…they tested this…they tested it in the markets – successfully. Their exchange rate was tested – successfully. What do you mean? The auctions, they shut it down and they’ve maintained their exchange rate… – successfully. They proved themselves. They proved themselves to be worthy to go international – to have the value to their currency lifted by the Fab 4. Therefor they are a go. They are ready to go…

5-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan We know the CBI printed 4 trillion dinar in April. They didn’t print large notes. They printed smaller increments of money. imo. We know they showed us they were destroying large amounts of perfectly good large notes. The new money is to replace the large with smalls…The education process for the new currency will come once the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) is exposed…They could show the new money and educate for re opening of the ISX well before they open…So, lets see what they do next. But, it sure looks like we are in a good place.. imo.