Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-25-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-25-2023
5-25-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Yes, we are VERY close to something big happening with the dinar…Yes, I do have some concerns about not seeing any news about the project to delete the zeros… Integral to the RV is this project to delete the zeros. One can not happen without the other. Many time already, Al-Sundani has told the citizens of Iraq the dinar is stronger than the dollar. …Yet it is still less than 1/6 of a penny. So when will they make this move and prove it to the citizens and given them a new rate?
5-25-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 I don’t care when the budget comes out. I don’t. It’s not the budget I seek. I care about when the new exchange rate comes out. And there is a line item IMO that has the new exchange rate in it…
5-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy If the RV hasn’t happened by the time the currency is on the Forex it should show in real time…There’s a good possibility that before it hits the Forex that the RV will happen.
5-24-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via PDK] …over the weekend, certainly by Sunday Iraq was going to expose their budgets, and the new rate would be in the budget. They did do that. But we were kept from seeing the new rates and we won’t see it until Thursday. There’s what I’m hearing out of Iraq… the new rate is supposed to be available to us to see here on Thursday. ..exchanges on Thursday…I’m just telling you I’m being told from some pretty strong sources…I think we’re looking pretty good. Right now.
5-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The whole world is pouring into Iraq . You don’t think these companies and countries know something that you don’t know? Of course.
5-24-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram [Recent Dinar History Recap] Iraq finally had an election and there is a new prime minister who is friendly with Iran. Large sums of U.S. dollars began flowing into Iran who is under sanctions. The United States immediately stopped the flow of U.S. dollars into Iraq ..and Iraq was on its way to looking like Zimbabwe . Fortunately a delegation was called to Washington D.C. and for 6 days and nights they hammered out a plan. We believe we are seeing the plan unfold…Iraq is all about making progress and when this progress continues the value of their currency will increase against the U.S. dollar. This is what we are waiting for.
5-24-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The articles this week are still rolling out yet more currency reforms but most importantly they are now “enforcing” the new CBI currency mandates and sole use of the dinar with a special task force of policemen. WOW! WOW! WOW! So we can [see] they mean business. I feel there is now no turning back. This is moving forward…we are heading for the long awaited reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar to FOREX not as a placeholder but open for business trading…We could possibly see what we are looking for prior to June.
5-24-2023 Newshound Guru Deepwoodz Community Comment: “It’s the CBI that changes the rate not parliament. The CBI can do it anytime.” Constitution Article 110 – The federal government shall have exclusive authorities in the following matters: …Formulating fiscal and customs policy; issuing currency; regulating commercial policy across regional and governorate boundaries in Iraq; drawing up the national budget of the State; formulating monetary policy; and establishing and administering a central bank.” So although the CBI actually change the rate, they do it at the PM’s & COM’s discretion. Case in point, when Sudani became PM he fired Mustafa Galeh and installed Alaq.
5-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 What happens after they open the budget? I don’t know but it’s the next chapter in our investment…nothing is going to work without the new exchange rate. That’s a fact of life.
5-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy The official rate, which is when the bank tell you it’s a fixed rate – not floating. In the streets what you have is a black market where people will pay you more dinar than you would normally get from the bank in order to get the US dollars…it has nothing to do with it floating …there’s the official one [rate] and a parallel [black market] one [rate]…all you have to do is pay attention to what the Central Bank is telling you.
5-24-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We continue to hear positive things. There is a lot of chatter about a possible release TODAY from Reno. That may be a little early but I am still feeling very good about this month…My contacts in Iraq say Iraq is positioned to dump their Rothschild Central Bank. They are doing whatever it takes to go with or without everyone…to force the RV to fruition. They are joining BRICS and moving away from the US dollar.
5-24-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man It’s the CBI’s job to make a rate change adjustment. It’s not the parliament or it’s not the Council of Minister’s or the Finance Committee’s job to do that…
5-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 These are good times for our investment because the things that are happening are not negative, they’re moving in a positive direction…we are right at the edge of cliff, on my tiptoes, with my arms spread wide open, with my chest sticking out leaning forward over this cliff and all I need is a little gust of wind to knock me over and fly like a bird into the international world with this new national currency…
5-24-2023 Newshound Guru NORV [aka Guru Kaperoni] …I have always stated with the success of Iraq’s economy will come the increase of the dinar. …some interesting news…Article: “The Social Security Law includes many privileges for workers in the private sector” This law was passed last weekend…This is critical to get people off the government payroll and working for the private sector which has been stated already will not only diversify Iraq’s economy but rebuild the country. Article: “Retirement: The insurance law will provide a salary for more than two million workers in the private sector.” They plan to launch this law in August. Which in essence means they will launch the private sector at that time. This is big news. So we can expect significant changes come August to Iraq’s economy coming yet this year.