Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-25-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-25-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Finance Minister: Agreement to activate the electrical connection between Iraq and Saudi Arabia” …The move that supports they are Article 8 compliant in business..imo They cut off Iran and Iraq’s electricity dealings yesterday…The energy is now coming from Saudi Arabia. That means to me they are international in regard to doing business. The implications of that are huge…We know the plan is to become a social market economy for Iraq. That requires internationalism. Doing so requires Iraq to be article 8 compliant…From the looks of the recent agreement with Saudi Arabia, they are showing that they are now compliant, ioo. The meetings with the Finance Minister, aka Deputiy Prime Minister, has me thinking they are or may have brought or now are bringing the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) to the neighboring countries…imo Times are seriously getting real, imo!

5-25-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan We know the CBI printed 4 trillion dinar in April. They didn’t print large notes. They printed smaller increments of money. imo. We know they showed us they were destroying large amounts of perfectly good large notes. The new money is to replace the large with smalls…The education process for the new currency will come once the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) is exposed…They could show the new money and educate for re opening of the ISX well before they open…So, lets see what they do next. But, it sure looks like we are in a good place.. imo.

5-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …at any time this could happen. Don’t be looking for no date. No specific time of the year. I don’t care what everybody’s telling you. At any time it could happen because it’s an accounting process. It’s all about the numbers…they tested this…they tested it in the markets – successfully. Their exchange rate was tested – successfully. What do you mean? The auctions, they shut it down and they’ve maintained their exchange rate… – successfully. They proved themselves. They proved themselves to be worthy to go international – to have the value to their currency lifted by the Fab 4. Therefor they are a go. They are ready to go…

5-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …there’s a lot of positive juju, a positive mojo going on in the dinar community. I think all of us rightfully or wrongfully have pinned June as the magical month. Why? Man there’s just too many things that seem to be pointing to June…we’ve got the meeting taking place in June. We got all kinds of new trade agreements that are supposed to kick in in June. So very very interesting. A lot of positive energy. We will see where that leads too. Hopefully something good. …things are looking good. Man, something about that month of June man! I’m feeling pretty good about it…

5-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …The CBI is about to open in Saudi Arabia. I’ll give you an example. Commerce Banks’s. Look for those to be open first. All these Iraqi banks that we told you about. All these satellite banks you’re gonna now see them coming out left and right. This is proof of the things that we have been saying – that they are Article 8…which means they raised the value of their currency. Which means they are about to make that announcement to the world…

5-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …man there’s a lot of chatter going on. I like the positive energy. I like the positive vibes…June, we know the United Nations, the IMF, the United States is gonna be coming over there. As a matter of fact Saudi Arabia is now the added portion to this meeting that’s gonna take place halfway through June. This is big. It means something. There must be something big getting ready to happen. What I’m hoping is whatever is happening Saudi Arabi is going to help Iraq in a big way economically. But it’s not just Saudi Arabia, Kuwait is getting in on the action too. These are two really rich countries. As we know Kuwait has one of the most valuable currencies out there. So we’re gonna keep an eye on the meeting to see how it pans out..

5-24-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …as long as the currency auctions are in place the money supply cannot be reduced because part of the currency auction is a balance between dinars and dollars reducing one significantly would cause demand for the other. …the truth is it is not about to RV. Iraq could never RV with 42 + trillion in circulation nor is it how monetary policy works. If the dinar is going to go up in value…It will go up via a float based on Iraq’s prosperity. Iraq has a lot of work to do to recover from this crisis. Iraq needs to pass laws, stabilize the government, and invite foreign investors to come and participate in the private sector. Remember Iraq still needs over 50 billion dollars to rebuild infrastructure.

5-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …in Iraq their currency is now going to play fairly because they added value IMO and they stopped using the auctions and they stopped using the American Dollar…Trump said lessen your dependence on our American dollar and they did…Iran was siphoning all the money we were sending to them through the Iraqi auctions and it was supplying terrorism…they’re [Iraq] getting the last parts of the monetary reform done. Trump and the Fab 4 said that that’s enough time wasted. Move on it. Do it…at any moment it could happen suddenly…it’s an accounting process. It’s all about the numbers.

5-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Everything has been pointing toward the month of June. We don’t know why. But my thing is this – The bi-weekly budget, the fact that Pompeo, the United Nations and the IMF are gonna be there in June. It doesn’t mean anything I’m just saying it seems to me like it does…look, I don’t know what’s going on but I can’t help but feel whatever is coming it’s happening in June. There’s a lot of things pointing out to June. There’s a lot of crap happening in May but there’s definitely, definitely a lot of things happening in June. They started drilling in these fields on the outskirts [of Iraq] where it’s reported to have 10x the amount of oil that’s already being reported in Iraq. 10 times that amount. All I keep hearing is rate change. Rate change. Rate change…