Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Everything has been pointing toward the month of June. We don’t know why. But my thing is this – The bi-weekly budget, the fact that Pompeo, the United Nations and the IMF are gonna be there in June. It doesn’t mean anything I’m just saying it seems to me like it does…look, I don’t know what’s going on but I can’t help but feel whatever is coming it’s happening in June. There’s a lot of things pointing out to June. There’s a lot of crap happening in May but there’s definitely, definitely a lot of things happening in June. They started drilling in these fields on the outskirts [of Iraq] where it’s reported to have 10x the amount of oil that’s already being reported in Iraq. 10 times that amount. All I keep hearing is rate change. Rate change. Rate change…

5-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …in Iraq their currency is now going to play fairly because they added value IMO and they stopped using the auctions and they stopped using the American Dollar…Trump said lessen your dependence on our American dollar and they did…Iran was siphoning all the money we were sending to them through the Iraqi auctions and it was supplying terrorism…they’re [Iraq] getting the last parts of the monetary reform done. Trump and the Fab 4 said that that’s enough time wasted. Move on it. Do it…at any moment it could happen suddenly…it’s an accounting process. It’s all about the numbers.

5-24-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana […has the EO 13303 been signed yet?] Yes. White House Statement: “…Executive Order 13668 of May 27, 2014, must continue in effect beyond May 22, 2020. Therefore…I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq declared in Executive Order 13303.” …we should remember why this is in effect. From Wikipedia: “Executive Order 13303 was issued on May 22, 2003 by United States President George W. Bush to protect the Development Fund for Iraq for the rebuilding of Iraq…” … I also think that many of us here were well aware that Trump would renew EO 13303, because even though it’s been a number of years, we aren’t the only ones who know the Iraqi Dinar is going to regain it’s value. As for the question “What would happen on it’s expiration” – that’s a great question, and the answer is equally great – when the order is not renewed, it will be because Iraq has resolved it’s issues and EO 13303 is simply no longer an issue. It is not a matter of “if”. It is a matter of “when”.

5-23-2020 Intel Guru Footforward They need to make sure they have some things established with certain countries so that when they revalue they can hit the ground running. It’s establishing a foundation right now. They haven’t been international in so long and have had so many restrictions for so long. It’s like they are wanting to make sure everything is in place now.

5-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Barzani: We have taken serious steps with Baghdad and are ready to settle with the Kazemi government”. …I have a feeling the real hold up on this rate change is what’s going on between Kurdistan and Iraq. An agreement has to be reached. That’s just my feeling…we should see something flowing from this agreement in June. That’s what I’m hoping. We’ll see.

5-23-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the CBI’s got a lot of little, we call them satellite banks. They’re private banks. They’re going to be in the United States of America. If you want to go into one of these banks in the United States and take your dinars and exchange, you can. Maybe you just want to leave as dinars in these banks in the United State…they are about to open a piñata of banks and put the CBI banks all around this planet Earth…the key thing is they had to start in the United States of America first. Why? Who do you think is launching all of this? I call him ‘daddy’. ‘Play fair with our currency. Stop abusing it. Lessen the usage of my dollar’, says Trump. ‘Raise your own currency value. Back it up yourself. Go through the process of legalities to be able to be international.’

5-23-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …economies are just not gonna turn on overnight and the next thing you know the demand for energy is going to go up. The energy based on covid -19 is gonna be where it’s at for a while. And the policy is going to keep it [oil] at between $26 and $31. It’s not going to change for Iraq overnight. They need to add value to their currency. They’re stuck and broke. Whether they get into the western markets or not they need to add value to their currency…there’s simply no where for them to go…

5-23-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […question about the executive order that Trump extended…what effect does it have on the RV in your opinion] none. It’s neutral. If anything it makes things easier for us.

5-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …in the immortal words of Phil Collins ‘I can feel it coming in the air at night, oh Lord ‘…something is going on it Iraq and I mean there is a lot of shaking and grooving going on over there. A lot of positive energy. A lot of positive vibe. If you’re into that kind of thing…there is a lot of fingers pointed to a lot of stuff being settled in May and then things popping off in June. I’m not trying to give nobody no false hope or get you guys high on hopium but there is a lot of vibes pointing towards that month of June…

5-23-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …how many time have I told you they are Article 8 leave it alone? Here’s the evidence. If you’re going out in the open markets you’re Article 8. The only way you’re Article 8 is how? You lifted the three zeros off your currency and added value. We called it the information trickling down to the citizens of Iraq. They’re about to get purchasing power…they [Iraq] are admitting to the world they are Article 8. On top of that they are admitting to the world they lifted the three zeros off their exchange rate because they have a “financial balance”. Remember they were saying, ‘We have an economic crisis! We have a financial crisis!’ No…so get ready to see what’s next that you haven’t even thought about…