Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-24-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-24-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-24-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [I understand oil is over $60 and Iraq has a lot of oil, but oil is only one of the variables…What about; – a fully seated government – HCL, Art 140, FML – IMF Art 8 – administrative and financial corruption – Iran interventionist – development of private sector – diversification of economy..] OIL is indeed only one of the variables. We don’t need everything in the list to be perfectly checked off. [It is quite Impressive the shear volume of good news coming out of Iraq lately.] It IS impressive, and keeps getting better!

5-24-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via PinkRoses] I am excited because I was given some times today to expect to receive the toll-free numbers…we do have two points of views from major banks that are talking about approximate times for release. One is tonight [Thursday]…and the other…was tomorrow morning [Friday]… we know the Redemption Centers are well prepared. …staff are prepared to go in for long days for exchanges starting tomorrow. We are very excited about the timing we are in. I do believe that we are looking very strong. …I do not know if the rates are still pending per se, but I believe they are live. That happened today. I just think we are ready for everything to finish up…

5-23-2019 Intel Guru Delta Article: “The House of Representatives votes on the Federal Financial Management Act” Quote: “The House of Representatives votes on the Federal Financial Management Act and voted the House of Representatives, on Thursday, the Federal Financial Management Act.” YES IT DID PASS I DID SEE IT LIVE ON TV…ALL GOOD TO GO…CONGRATS IRAQ…ONE OF THE BEST NEWS…ONE WAY STREET NO WAY BACK…

5-23-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] According to many- we are right on top of this! I got 4 or 5 calls from Reno – the banking side this afternoon and they say “We are sitting on go”. I heard from my contact at the redemption center and they expect to work all weekend. [Is there anything that can stop this at this point?] No…the most that could happen is brief delays… nothing can stop this. I am told there will be no NDA except for…maybe 30 million or more…IMO. I do think we are there…we have all been burned but I am excited tonight…there is a whole lot I am sitting on that I can’t share…but I really think its ending now.

5-23-2019 Newshound Guru Whitelions Article “…The financial management law has been finalized” its done… done…im jumping up and down…this is a big piece.

5-23-2019 Guest Guru future Article: “…The financial management law has been finalized” Quote: “A member of the Finance Committee Majida Tamimi confirmed on Thursday the finalization of the Financial Management Law.” [They said they have voted on the FML but im not sure of the outcome] yea said it was finalized but not sure how many readings we need and for it to become law.

5-23-2019 Intel Guru Delta “THE PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE IS COMPLEMENTED BY THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LAW” Quote: “At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee announced the completion of discussions on the law and readiness to vote in the House of Representatives on Thursday” …GRAVEYARD SHIFT GET READY FOR TONIGHT…IF THEY PASS IT THEN TIME TO CELEBRATE….

5-23-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “THE PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE IS COMPLEMENTED BY THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LAW” Quote: “At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee announced the completion of discussions on the law and readiness to vote in the House of Representatives on Thursday” They clearly seem to have every intention of completion! Mahdi being home makes it appear to me they have structured their moves so very timely with purpose… I can’t imagine even one member doesn’t show for tomorrow’s vote…if I am wrong then there are some seriously wealthy politicians that will looking at some very unhappy constituents taking off their shoes!!

5-23-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 Quote: “…to get the old worn out lower denoms out of circulation in order to put them in position with the new replacement lower denoms that will co-exist with the new small category notes and coing that belong to a new exchange rate soon to be given to you for more purchasing power…” …you see the CBI come out this morning to remind the citizens again that the lower denoms are about to be replaced because they are going to co-exist with the new small category notes, where the exchange rate, the 3 zeroes will be lifted giving you purchasing power.

5-23-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI is doing what they told you they are doing, telling the citizens…get in here and exchange those worn out lower denoms because you will want the new ones…they will co-exist with the new lower categories and the coins, so you will want the new ones that will have more value, because we are going to lift the 3 zeroes from the exchange rate…they remind them that they are running out of time. …no denial, no change in plan.